How to Prevent Micromanagement in the Workplace

A good leader understands the importance of allowing his or her people to do their job without a lot of interference. However, many managers still insist on checking in on their workers several times a day or personally supervising each aspect of a project while it is being done. Why do leaders micromanage? How can micromanagement decrease in any given situation?

1) Managers Don’t Trust Their Employees

The biggest reason why a manager will micromanage his or her employees stems from a lack of trust for those underneath that manager. In some cases, a manager may have witnessed an employee slacking of or witnessed a middle manager doing something illegal or unethical.

If a manager doesn’t believe that his or her people can do the job, he or she is going to personally supervise his employees until things change. The best way to change that is to interact with employees and get to know them. As you get to know them, it becomes easier to find people who you trust to do the job right.

2) The Boss Enjoys the Work

Someone who has spent many years working in a department that he or she now supervises could miss the joy of putting something together or bonding with other workers. While the boss may miss the good times he or she had on the sales floor, it is important to let the new employee acclimate to the position. Instead of thinking about the past, think toward the future. When you have an urge to do your old job, work on a task that will help you get promoted past your current position.

Related Post:  Work Intelligently as a Manager

3) Middle Managers Have Bosses Too

Middle managers may find themselves stuck between wanting to give their workers autonomy and having to show good enough results to keep their jobs. For middle managers, the best thing to do is to communicate well with employees as well as upper management. Having an open line of communication can provide context for both your successes and your failures. This makes it easier to let others do their jobs without having to worry about your own job performance.

4) Micromanagement is not teaching

Those who have been on the job for many years may believe that they should impart their valuable wisdom to others. While giving a few hints or tips is a good way to help others learn, it is important to let the person doing the job do it in a way that is comfortable to that person. Instead of insisting that an employee do things exactly how they were done in the past, a true leader allows for free thought and innovation to rule the day. Micromanagement can suffocate the growth of employees.

5) Different Workplaces Have Different Cultures

Someone who has just attained a leadership position may be used to a different style of workplace culture than the one that he or she currently works in. For example, someone who worked at a small company in the past may have had to do a lot of work because there was no one else to do it.

When transitioning to a larger company, it may be difficult to let go and let others do the jobs that they were hired to do. However, it is critical to understand that the people hired to work under you are there to make your life easier and help you be more productive. You aren’t expected to shoulder the entire load.

A good leader is someone who can adapt to whatever is thrown at him or her. The motivational quote from W.A Nance,”No person can be a great leader unless he takes genuine joy in the successes of those under him” should be a quote that guides your thinking as you strive to be a better leader. Remove micromanagement, allow employees to grow, show others how to lead.



Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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