Meet Kristin Mallon, Co-Founder and CEO of FemGevity

Photo credits: Kristin Mallon

Kristin Mallon, CNM, MS, RNC-OB, is a board-certified nurse midwife, breast health expert, and published author with expertise in women’s health from fertility through childbirth and into feminine longevity. She graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree in Psychology and completed her bachelor’s degree in nursing at Johns Hopkins. After completing her master’s degree in science & Midwifery at New York University (NYU), she began practicing as a board-certified nurse midwife in private practice in Brooklyn, NY.

In 2022, Kristin co-founded Femgevity, a telemedicine company focused on menopause and feminine longevity, with Michele Wispelwey, MBA.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you started your company.

I’m a licensed certified nurse midwife and certified obstetrical nurse with over 18 years of experience in women’s health from adolescence through menopause. Feminine Longevity is my passion!

However, I’m like most businesspeople, in that I’ve had a series of several businesses, some successful and some not. I remember one of my very first was when I started a homemade Barrett business with my best friend in 4th grade. I’ve had a prenatal vitamin line and most recently before FemGevity, I started and exited a Concierge OB/GYN medical practice.

My ultimate goal is to provide the highest caliber health care and health experience available anywhere and change the narrative in healthcare from providing only sick care to supporting, creating, and providing platforms that foster optimal health, and that’s really what led me to starting FemGevity.

Tell us a little bit about your marketing process, what has been the most successful form of marketing for you?

Marketing to me is like trying to catch lightning in a bottle or maybe even akin to the quantum field. It’s always changing and just when you think you’ve got it, it’s gone again and changed. What worked for me 5 years ago or 5 months ago isn’t necessarily what’s going to work for me or my team today. So, I’ve realized that the most successful form of marketing for me is the one that embraces adaptability and continuous learning.

Lately, I’ve also found a lot of success with hiring very niche-specific people for very specific things like someone who specializes in affiliate marketing as one thing and then a different person for customer lifecycle marketing and email marketing and influencer marketing, and so on.

What was your first business idea and what did you do with it?

My first business idea was actually the homemade Barret idea I mentioned above. My childhood friend and I made hair barrettes out of the comics in the Sunday morning papers and then used this spray to make them have a plastic texture. Looking back, it was probably pretty toxic and not that great for us to be using, but it was the 80’s then. We made the barrettes and then sold them on Sundays at local flea markets. Not only was it fun, but we also learned a lot about how to sell our product.

What would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur, and why?

In my experience, I believe there are not just 3, but actually 5 key skills that are essential to be a successful entrepreneur. They are: 1) a clear vision, 2) the ability to garner support and alignment, 3) effective delegation, 4) strong networking capabilities, and 5) proficient time management.

  • Having a clear vision is key to making smart business decisions and motivating your team to grow strategically. Getting stakeholders on board is essential, and you also have to be able to communicate your vision effectively, rallying support and aligning everyone in your organization.
  • Delegation is also a game-changer because it frees up your time for strategic pursuits while empowering your team to contribute their expertise.
  • Networking is important because you need to put yourself out there to forge meaningful connections with stakeholders, industry peers, and even potential partners to unlock new opportunities and insights.
  • Lastly, there’s time management, which is super underrated. Master it to prioritize tasks, boost productivity, and stay laser-focused on your business goals!

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

My biggest challenges have been working with people who don’t believe in me and having to work around them. It took me a long time to stop listening to this type of noise. I’m much better now at identifying these types of people so as not to get into business with them. I’ve learned to trust my instincts and surround myself with a supportive network of individuals who believe in me and in my vision. Building a reliable team that shares my passion and values has been instrumental in navigating obstacles and achieving success.

What’s a productivity tip you swear by?

One productivity tip I swear by is definitely smart multitasking. Anyone can multitask, but it’s about doing it efficiently and in a way that works for you. If you can combine compatible activities, go for it! For example, I love listening to audiobooks or podcasts while working out or doing routine tasks. It helps me make the most of my time and stay informed or entertained while still getting things done. Just remember though, not all tasks are good for multitasking. Keep your focus on your important tasks and find the right balance between multitasking and focus. It’s all about optimizing productivity while keeping things efficient and enjoyable.

What helps you stay driven and motivated to keep going in your business?

My vision of the future is what drives me to keep going in business. I try to continually remind myself of the impact I can make in shaping the future I want to see. And what I see is a vision where healthcare is more accessible and longevity medicine is the norm instead of sick care. Being a part of that transformation, no matter how big or small, gives me the drive to keep pushing and making things happen.

What is your favorite quote?

 “Follow your highest excitement to the best of your ability with no insistence or assumption on the outcome”


As a woman in business, this quote reminds me of the importance of embracing my passions and pursuing them wholeheartedly. This quote empowers me to trust my intuition, take risks, and navigate my entrepreneurial journey with a sense of freedom and authenticity, regardless of any expectations.

What’s your definition of success?

To me, success is all about cultivating deep and fulfilling relationships. It’s about surrounding myself with wonderful people who uplift and support me.

Additionally, I strongly believe in continuously pursuing what genuinely excites me. It’s about tuning in to my passions and giving them my all, without being attached to specific outcomes. No rigid expectations or assumptions, just a genuine sense of enthusiasm and dedication. This is when I feel the most successful – living a life driven by what truly lights me up, constantly growing, and creating a meaningful and fulfilling journey.

If you only had $1000 dollars to start a new business, knowing everything you know now, how would you spend it?

 With a budget of $1000 to start a new business, and considering my current knowledge, I would focus on the following items: a website, an email address, and marketing.

  • Firstly, a portion of the budget would be dedicated to creating a professional and user-friendly website. Investing in a well-designed website is crucial because this is the first impression customers get of your business and learn about your products/services.
  • Next, I’d put a portion towards establishing a branded email address. Having a professional email address that aligns with your business domain adds credibility and enhances your brand recognition. It also helps effective communication with potential customers and clients.
  • Lastly, I’d focus on cost-effective marketing strategies to reach and engage my target audiences. This includes utilizing social media platforms for organic outreach, creating content, and leveraging SEO techniques. I’d also explore partnerships with industry experts who could help amplify my brand’s vision.

By prioritizing these three things, you could lay a solid foundation for a new business and make the most of the available budget.

What valuable advice would you give to new entrepreneurs starting out?

  • My advice for new entrepreneurs starting out: look for clues from those who have already succeeded. Seek out people who are smarter than you and listen to their advice, but don’t forget to trust your own instincts and intuition. You’ve got your unique perspective and ideas, so let them guide you along the way.
  • Another important tip is to embrace failure as a valuable learning experience. Entrepreneurship is a wild ride with its share of ups and downs. Don’t let setbacks discourage you. Instead, see them as opportunities to learn, grow, and improve. Take those lessons, adapt your strategies, and keep moving forward.
  • Remember, success takes time and effort, so stay persistent and resilient. Believe in yourself, stay focused on your goals, and don’t let anything hold you back.

How can readers get in touch with you?

You can email my team at I’m also easy to reach on all social platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram or connected to FemGevity’s company site.


Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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