I am an Entrepreneur: “We Become What We Think About”- Earl Nightingale

I am an Entrepreneur: “We Become What We Think About”- Earl Nightingale

Positive thinking!

“We Become What We Think About”- Earl Nightingale

My favorite quote form Earl Nightingale’s The strangest secret.

The truth is, the more we think about something, the more “Screw it, let’s do it” moments we’ll have.

Yes, just like Sir Richard Branson Screw it, let’s do it.

Successful entrepreneurs have many of those moments throughout their careers. I’ve come to realized that these moments, are the results of people thinking about something either too much, or for too long.

Eventually, no matter what holds you back, these moments will push you over to the other side.

So until you’ve had your moment, I encourage you to keep thinking about your goals – and always stay positive.

And…who knows? Your “Screw it, let’s do it moment may be right around the corner, and it just might change your life forever.

Have you ever had one of those Screw it, let’s do it moment? Please comment below.



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