Meet Dorin Rosenshine the entrepreneur who wants to build the next generation of call tracking, analytics, and marketing automation – Outleads.
What were the top 3 mistakes you made starting out with your business, and if you could start over what would you do differently?
Setting overly optimistic time estimates for reaching milestones.
When planning ahead, I’d rarely allocate additional “padding” time for unexpected delays, which caused a lot of issues, especially when my timeframe relied on work from external contractors. It’s not uncommon for even reliable workers to miss their promised deadlines, and their late delivery – even if it’s just a day or two – pushed everything back on my end as well. Though these might seem like isolated, minor incidents, their cumulative impact was significant.
Not speaking about my startup.
Shortly after I filed for a patent, I was afraid to reveal the technology, unsure of how customers and competitors would respond. But I eventually realized that without exposure is critical – and since obtaining it can often be costly, speaking up (as often as possible!) and networking is one of the best ways to make your startup known.
Getting discouraged by “no”.
The first lawyer I called didn’t want to file my patent application, and the first three potential customers I approached didn’t want the technology. Of course, response from the larger audience – which came later – was very different. Sometimes “yes” is plain luck, and not all of us get lucky all the time. For good or bard, the first feedback you hear will rarely be representative of the general population, so take it with a grain of salt and follow your intuition.
Dorin Rosenshine | Founder | Outleads