Peggy Lanum is a business consultant and executive coach. She is also the founder of Better Working Together, LLC, and author of the new book, Peggy Lanum has a Master’s degree in Organizational Psychology and is a Human Resource Professional (SHRM-CP) and an ICF Certified Coach.
She consults with healthcare, retail, and nonprofits and coaches business executives. Her work is dedicated to the betterment of organizations and individuals.
Tell us a little bit about your background and how you ended up writing a book?
I received a Master’s degree in Organizational Psychology because I have always been curious about what makes people thrive and flourish – and one important aspect of thriving is being engaged in meaningful work. When the pandemic hit, all areas of our lives suffered. We became more aware of how the different layers of well-being – emotional, physical, occupational, social, and financial were all connected.
As uncertainty continues across the globe, emotional and mental health issues have increased, causing some to refer to this crisis as the second global pandemic. Today, seven out of 10 workers report that they are significantly struggling with well-being in one or more areas of their lives.
As I saw clients, family, and friends grappling with the effects of destabilizing change, I wanted to create an easy-to-read resource for busy people to use to fuel their own journey to greater well-being. With over 100 science-based tips, there is something that everyone can easily use to navigate uncertainty with greater awareness and resilience.
What do you hope your readers take away from this book?
My greatest desire is for people to recognize that despite living in times of uncertainty, we still have many things we can control. By recognizing and then choosing to leverage what we can control –like our thoughts and habits – we can live better, more meaningful lives.
What are the top three tools you currently use to write, publish, and promote your books?
I love finding great people to work with me! I have used Upwork for web design, Fiverr for graphic artists, asked for referrals, begged for advice, bartered with experienced writers, and mined my network – there is absolutely no way I could have written this book without the wisdom, expertise, and skill of many others.
What were the top three mistakes you made while publishing your book what did you learn from them?
- The first mistake I made was: I thought that writing a book just involved writing a book! There is so much more to the process. It is really an education, and you just have to embrace the learning process. I have learned so many weird, random things that could bore any dinner party guest — like how to navigate the U.S. Copyright Office website and how glue shortages in the supply chain affect publishing dates!
- I highly recommend starting with a marketing plan before you write the book. Even if your marketing plan needs to get modified as you go, it is helpful to have a plan at the beginning.
- I underestimated how many things were outside of my control that would affect the time schedule. Supply chains are disrupted, there are worker shortages, shipping delays – the entire process is more inefficient than what was normal in the industry a few years ago. If you create an expectation that the process may not be as efficient as you would hope, you will be well prepared for a likely reality
When will you consider your book a success?
I will consider my book a success if people read my book and find resources that help them make positive changes in their life.
Can you share a snippet that isn’t in the blurb or excerpt?
Even in the middle of uncertainty, we have rich opportunities to grow and create a better life.
How have the pandemic and Lockdown affected you or your new business?
I pivoted to 100% remote work when the pandemic started. At first, my focus with business consulting went from long-term strategies, such as succession planning, to just business survival. As the unprecedented and ongoing nature of the changes became more apparent, I began to do more and more executive coaching. And with my executive coaching clients, they no longer held onto the illusion that work and home were separate boxes – it became increasingly clear that so many areas of our lives now overlapped. I was coaching one executive on Zoom whose child and cat were both introduced to me. I guarantee that would never have happened before 2020! The nature of my business evolved – and is still evolving — to meet the changing needs of my clients.
What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?
Writing a book is a full-time job – on top of another full-time job. Learning to balance the two has been challenging, but really help me realize that this book could be a timely and helpful resource for many people beyond just my executive coaching clients and their employees.
What is the one thing you wish you knew before publishing your book?
As an author, if you want to create a perfect book, you are setting yourself up to become paralyzed somewhere in the process. A great book that is completed is better than a perfect book which is never finished!
Please share one thing new self-publish authors can do to gain more reviews on Amazon.
Leverage your network. When you get enthusiastic feedback, ask that person if they would consider writing a review. It may feel a bit cringy and self-promoting, but this is part of the process.
Can you share some of the marketing techniques that have worked for you when promoting your book?
- First and foremost, I would urge authors to surround themselves with experts! Find a publicist and marketing campaign manager that you enjoy working with and then trust them to do their jobs. I have very much relied on Devon Blaine and her team at the Blaine Group. Her expertise has been invaluable.
- I am reaching out to my network of professional colleagues in the fields of human resources, coaching, and wellness. Whether via a personal note, email, or LinkedIn, I am letting them know about the book I have written and how it could be helpful to them or their employees.
- The ROI on employee wellness is significant in terms of productivity, engagement, and reduced turnover. Disengaged employees cost the US economy $550 billion annually. It really makes good business sense to provide resources to support the well-being of your employees, and I’m hoping that my book will be a part of the reinforcement employers can offer.
If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
I might have taken a slightly different track and become a Health Psychologist. But I have been so grateful for the clients and colleagues who have crossed my path! I am deeply grateful to be where I am today.
What’s a productivity tip you swear by?
Some have argued that motivation is humanity’s most valued commodity! Whether it is on the treadmill or writing a new chapter, you can do anything for 10 minutes. If I’m feeling stuck, I set a timer and see how much I can accomplish in those ten minutes. Then I stand up, and take a quick break.
I find that the first 10 minutes of any project are the hardest, but once I began to make small, measurable progress, the little dopamine hit can increase motivation and cause me to want to move forward.
What helps you stay driven and motivated to finish writing your book?
For me, it was helpful to see this book project from an economic view of a “sunk cost.” I had already put in hundreds of hours when discouragement started to sneak in around the red-lined pages. But I also recognized a half-written book was useless. I didn’t want to throw away the effort and time I had already expended.
Can you recommend one book, one podcast, and one online course for entrepreneurs and authors?
Book: Think Again: The Power of Knowing What you Don’t Know by Adam Grant
By definition, unprecedented times do not allow us the comfort of falling back on our previously held systems and beliefs. Adam Grant gives persuasive, evidence-based arguments as to why success in today’s world requires us keeping an open mind and being open to new ways of thinking
Podcast: Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured Professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab Podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the Top 25 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.
Course: A great course on neuroscience is offered by Dr. Irena O’Brien: neuroscienceschool. com
While her course is geared towards executive coaches, it has fantastic applications for anyone who wants to leverage brain research for their own personal success.
What are you learning now? Why is that important?
I am taking a seven-week Coaching Class, “Positive Intelligence” from Shirzad Charmine on how to identify our inner sage and inner saboteurs. Listening, questioning, and channeling our inner dialogue is key to achieving true potential.
If you only had $1000 dollars to promote a new book, knowing everything you know now, how would you spend it?
I would hire a part-time assistant to help with administration and social media marketing.
What’s your best piece of advice for aspiring and new authors?
Be passionate about what your book can offer. Are you 100% invested in the idea that your book can provide value? Lean into that energy and creativity in your mind the “ideal reader” who would most benefit from your book. And then find some trusted friends to offer some wise, kind advice as to where you might have some blind spots. After a little refining, set up measurable goals and move forward. Your imaginary ideal reader can cheer you on!
What is your favorite quote?
“Forge your own future.”
Who should we interview next and why?
I love the rich perspectives of multi-talented people!
- Jennifer Aaker & Naomi Bagdonas are authors, comedians, and Stanford professors who wrote, “Humor, Seriously: Why Humor Is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life.” Laughter has such good physical, emotional and social benefits – and we can all use some more positivity these days!
- Daniel Levitin, is a musician, neuroscientist, cognitive psychologist and bestselling author of “Successful Aging” which is an excellent resource on how to live well at any stage of life.
- Uma Naidoo is a psychiatrist, nutrition expert, chef, and author of “This is Your Brain on Food: An Indispensable Guide to the Surprising Foods that Fight Depression, PTSD, ADHD, Anxiety, OCD and More.” The research linking mental health to food choices is fascinating!
What is your definition of success?
I think success is when our core values – our deepest held beliefs – line up with our behaviors. When we achieve congruence between the two and our lives support what we value most, we create a rich, meaningful, and successful life.
How do you personally overcome fear?
Fear is a complex and personal emotion. Am I fearful of criticism, fearful of failing, or fearful of trying something new? It is helpful to ask myself some hard questions: Whose opinion matters to me — and why? Is it really “failure” if I don’t achieve a goal as long as I continue to learn and grow? Is the fear caused by concrete, rational information, or just inertia and “it’s-never-been-done-that-way” mindset? Questions are powerful and the answers can create a way to move forward.
How can readers get in touch with you?
You can reach me at on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.