Meet Prateek Agarwal, Co-Founder of Calgee

Photo credits: S. Agarwal

Prateek Agarwal is a passionate individual who believes in collective action and personal responsibility. He recognizes the urgency of addressing climate change, emphasizing the quote by Robert Swan: “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” Prateek understands that progress requires active participation from every individual and integrates sustainability into all aspects of life, including business decisions.

As a driven marketer with expertise in digital marketing and business development, he excels in creating strategies that drive customer loyalty, engagement, and revenue growth. Prateek’s deep-rooted interest in sustainability inspires him to make a positive impact on the environment while improving the bottom line.

With his diverse skill set and sense of responsibility, he strives for a future where sustainability guides decision-making and encourages others to be part of the global solution.

What is Calgee all about?

Our mission is to create the world’s most sustainable and high-quality health supplements. For you and the planet.

We are creating supplements that are made from premium and eco-friendly ingredients. Our current vegan omega-3 supplement is made from algae oil instead of fish oil. Additionally, the algae oil we’ve sourced is not only potent, but also processed with the smallest impact to the ecosystem. We’re trying to reduce our reliance on fish and fish based products, while providing vegan and non-vegan customers with a comparable alternative.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you started your company.

I started Calgee with my wife, Shreya, in 2020. That year, during a routine check-up, I was surprised to learn that my cholesterol levels were in the “very high” range. Despite being young and healthy, they were higher than they should have been for someone my age. To make matters worse, I discovered that both Shreya and I were at a higher risk for cardiovascular diseases due to our family histories.

With everything else happening in 2020, our health became our top priority. We fine-tuned our diets and increased our exercise routines. It still wasn’t enough.

Our doctors suggested taking fish oil supplements, but as vegetarians, we were reluctant to consume fish oil. We didn’t want to compromise our principles for the sake of our health.

Convinced there had to be a better solution in nature, we discovered vegan omega-3 oil supplements as a sustainable alternative to fish oil. However, we learned that most of these capsules contained carrageenan, an ingredient known to cause stomach inflammation.

Frustrated by the lack of suitable options on the market, we decided to create our own product.

Determined to develop something pure, sustainable, and environmentally friendly, we embarked on our journey to establish Calgee. Today, Calgee is a mission-driven health and wellness company committed to using its influence to create a positive impact on the environment.

What would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur, and why?

  1. Keep learning – to really become an expert in your field, you have to spend a few years learning and absorbing all the information you can.
  2. You will fail a hundred times – the only way to really succeed is through learning from your mistakes.
  3. Decide when you want to make an impact – it’s easier to be a sustainable company at scale where your volume makes economic sense. You can reach more people and do more as an operational company than as a super sustainable and bankrupt one.

How have the pandemic and Lockdown affected you or your new business?

The pandemic and lockdown have had a significant impact on me and my new business. Like many others, I faced numerous challenges and had to adapt to the changing circumstances.

The pandemic taught us the importance of resilience and agility in business operations. We had to constantly reassess and modify our strategies to align with the changing market dynamics. This included revisiting our marketing plans, diversifying our offerings, and implementing cost-saving measures to navigate economic uncertainties.

Overall, the pandemic and lockdown served as a valuable learning experience, highlighting the significance of adaptability, innovation, and the need to prioritize the well-being and safety of our team and customers. It reinforced the importance of embracing technology and being prepared for unforeseen challenges in the future.

How do you separate yourself from your competitors?

  1. Sustainable Sourcing: We prioritize the use of sustainably sourced ingredients for our vegan omega-3 oil supplements. By deriving our omega-3s from algae rather than fish, we help reduce overfishing and protect marine ecosystems. Our algae are cultivated in controlled environments, which minimizes the risk of contamination and ensures a high-quality product.
  2. Eco-friendly Packaging: To minimize waste and reduce our carbon footprint, we use recyclable and biodegradable packaging materials for our products. This commitment extends from our product containers to our shipping materials, helping to reduce single-use plastics and our overall environmental impact. For example, our mailer bags have a second seal so they are reusable at least once more.
  3. Supporting Nonprofits: We’ve been a part of 1% for the Planet since we started. We’ve recently partnered with Sea Hugger, with whom we share a common vision. Their mission is to educate the public to reduce plastic dependency, while focusing on protecting the marine environment, ensuring the intrinsic rights of aquatic life, and helping create sustainable communities that are no longer affected by plastic pollution. We donate 1% of our annual revenue to their cause.

What’s a productivity tip you swear by?

One thing that I consistently do and highly recommend to others is to stick to a morning routine. Establishing a morning routine sets the tone for the entire day and can significantly enhance productivity, focus, and overall well-being.

I make a conscious effort to wake up early, allowing myself ample time before the day’s responsibilities begin. Rising early provides a sense of calm and allows for a gradual transition into the day, reducing stress and rushing.

I start my morning with a few minutes of mindfulness or meditation. It allows me to reflect on my goals and priorities and express gratitude for the opportunities ahead.

I regularly review my to-do list and goals. This helps me gain clarity on what needs to be accomplished and prioritize tasks for the day. By reviewing and organizing my tasks, I can approach my work with a clear plan and sense of direction and prioritize physical well-being by incorporating healthy habits into my morning routine. This includes exercise and a nutritious breakfast. Taking care of my physical health in the morning boosts energy levels, enhances focus, and promotes a positive mood throughout the day.

Can you recommend one book, one podcast, and one online course for entrepreneurs?

The book that has influenced me the most is “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight. This memoir, written by the co-founder of Nike, has left a lasting impact on me in several ways.

First and foremost, “Shoe Dog” has taught me the value of perseverance and unwavering determination in the face of adversity. Phil Knight’s journey to build Nike was filled with numerous challenges, setbacks, and moments of uncertainty. Yet, he never gave up on his vision and continued to push forward despite the obstacles. This book has instilled in me the belief that success often requires persistence, resilience, and an unyielding commitment to one’s goals.

Another crucial lesson I learned from “Shoe Dog” is the importance of embracing risk and stepping out of one’s comfort zone. Phil Knight took significant risks throughout his entrepreneurial journey, from borrowing money to fund his startup to venturing into uncharted territories to secure manufacturing partnerships. His willingness to take calculated risks, even in the face of potential failure, highlights the transformative power of stepping outside familiar boundaries and embracing uncertainty. This lesson has encouraged me to embrace calculated risks in my own life and pursue new opportunities with a sense of courage and adventure.

Furthermore, “Shoe Dog” has underscored the significance of building strong relationships and fostering a supportive team. Phil Knight’s partnerships and collaborations with individuals such as Bill Bowerman and his early employees played a pivotal role in Nike’s success. The book emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with talented, passionate individuals who share a common vision. It taught me the value of teamwork, effective communication, and nurturing relationships to create a thriving and impactful organization.

Lastly, “Shoe Dog” has highlighted the transformative power of passion and purpose. Phil Knight’s deep love for running and his relentless pursuit to create innovative footwear that enhanced athletic performance is a testament to the impact of pursuing one’s passion. The book reinforces the notion that aligning one’s work with personal values and passions can fuel intrinsic motivation, inspire creativity, and lead to profound fulfillment.

What helps you stay driven and motivated to keep going in your business?

I’m grateful to my wife Shreya, who has always been there for me. We’ve been through all the ups and downs together for the last 13 years and she’s given me the confidence to believe in myself. Whether that’s flying across the country to pick up boxes of our product so we can ship it out to customers on time, or discussing every angle of a problem, I would not have had half the success I’ve had so far without her by my side. 

What is your favorite quote?

One of my favorite life lesson quotes is:

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”

– Robert Swan.

I feel this quote is more relevant today than ever before. We have a collective responsibility to address climate change, but we often hope someone else will do it for us. I too believed that technology and science will come up with an answer. While that may be true, we still need to do our part. Our collective micro decisions can eventually have a meaningful impact.

That’s why, when I started Calgee, I decided that I wanted sustainability to be a core principle of the business and a factor in every decision we make.

What is your definition of success?

Success, to me, encompasses a combination of personal fulfillment and business achievement. It goes beyond conventional measures of success such as wealth or status and delves into a more holistic and meaningful perspective.

On a personal level, success means living a balanced and fulfilling life. It involves nurturing meaningful relationships, maintaining good health and well-being, and continuously growing and learning. It means having a sense of purpose and aligning my actions with my values. Success in this context is about finding joy and contentment in the present moment while striving for personal growth and self-improvement.

In terms of business, success revolves around creating a positive impact and contributing to the greater good. It means running a company that not only generates profits but also prioritizes sustainability, ethical practices, and social responsibility. It involves delivering products or services that genuinely benefit customers and society at large.

How do you personally overcome fear?

Overcoming fear requires a multifaceted approach. Firstly, it’s important to acknowledge and understand your fear by taking the time to identify its triggers. By understanding the root cause of your fear, you can develop a plan to address and overcome it.

Facing your fear gradually is an effective strategy. Start by exposing yourself to the object or situation that causes fear in small increments. Over time, this gradual exposure can help desensitize you and reduce the intensity of your fear. Pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone bit by bit can lead to significant progress.

Fear often stems from negative thoughts and beliefs. Challenge these thoughts by questioning their validity and considering alternative perspectives. It’s crucial to replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations or realistic expectations. By actively challenging and reframing your thoughts, you can change the way you perceive and respond to fearful situations.

How can readers get in touch with you?

I can best be reached at and I am always happy to discuss all things entrepreneurship, sustainability, and wellness related!


Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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