Interview with Adam Garcia, CEO of the Stock Dork

Adam Garcia

As a remarkably accomplished expert and thought leader in the financial market for over a decade, Adam has been a crucial component in the growth and success of one of the leading stock market and investor education networks, The Stock Dork. His aptitude for making business decisions, educating others, and his keen eye for detail have been instrumental in providing him with a superior platform to teach and train investors.

Where they guide investors and entrepreneurs along their journey; teaching them about ins and outs in building real wealth by investing in stocks at the right time. So, they’ve taken the burden to help people make money with stock investing by providing valuable tips from the best-skilled experts.  

What is The Stock Dork all about?

The Stock Dork is passionate about all things finance. Our mission is to break down all that information into bite-sized chunks to provide what you need to make an intelligent decision without getting lost in the garble. We are able to cover a wide range of topics, including investment, stock market news, trader education, penny stocks, cryptocurrencies, product, and service reviews.

Also, we help investors to build their wealth by giving them ins and outs by providing the data, and information needed from “the stock dork” experts.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you started your business?

I am a born and bred entrepreneur who thrives on developing the successes of others while equipping them with the knowledge and resources to create real opportunities for themselves.

From building my first company known as ALG Financial, as an executive financial marketing firm, all the way to spearheading a company focused on providing investors with the tools and opportunity to build big-time wealth. I’ve never put the brakes on searching for innovative ways to expand the business and his robust set of skills. This is highlighted by the growth of The Stock Dork in recent years, as we have been riding a new wave of success and are on pace to continue to grow at a rapid rate with a steady stream of new visitors and financial enthusiasts.

Throughout the experience years, I have transformed into a leader who has blazed the trail for many new investors and traders by showing them the ins and outs of obtaining financial freedom. Also, I’ve viewed partnerships as an opportunity to earnestly learn and grow together, and I credit a lot of this success to that philosophy.

How has the pandemic affected you or your new business?

Maybe it isn’t early to talk about the long-term effects. The pandemic was a hard and good lesson at the same time for us to be more resilient in the market. Since the pandemic has started we as a team adapted swiftly to the new communication channels. A great thing to share in our company our team before the pandemic was including in-office members who are the majority and a few ones who were working remotely, during the pandemic the expert remote employees were our guide who helped all of us in the team to skip all the traditional challenges (even the serious challenges) that appeared for most employees in the world once they started to work remotely.

For example; they shared with the team all tricks and tips of how to stay productive while working from home, how to effectively communicate online, and how to reach out to the right person at the right time online!

Seriously, it was a time of rebuilding stronger ties together.      

What was the biggest problem you encountered starting up and how did you overcome it?

The biggest one; Time management. I remembered how many times I was saying “if I had more time, I would do this in a different better way! Or if I had time, I would do an extra thing or add a new value.

Things starting to changes when I decided to delegate a few tasks, most of them were daily routine tasks but were time consumers. This way, I had more time to expand my business and take care of the most important and crucial tasks. (Tasks that really matter for business thriving).  

What were the top mistakes you made starting your business and what did you learn from it?

Doing it all by yourself! In the beginning, I really wanted to do every single important detail by myself. Simply, because I wanted everything perfect and I don’t want to lose especially that the risks were big! That period was exhausting and frustrating to a certain extent because no matter how much and far you work, it’s impossible to do it all ALONE! I learned to trust people around me, delegate tasks, assign them tasks, and supervise them is the best strategy to do all business operations with high quality and through an organized time plan.

What is one thing that you do daily to grow as an entrepreneur?

“Reading daily” is the best habit that helps me as an entrepreneur and business owner. It’s a way to enhance and improve my knowledge in the market and stay up to date when it comes to my industry. 

How do you manage running a business while traveling?

As a business owner who travels a lot, I learned to take care of a few things. First of all, regardless of the traveling reason, either for work or vacation or even adventure. I always make sure to have a place to work in my destination.

It isn’t just about bringing a laptop and pick a communication channel with employees and managers. It’s more important to know where and how you would work, decide the optimal hours you can and/or should work, set a plan and a schedule to determine the tasks and work goals you should reach while traveling.

One of the best things that I also do while traveling is assigning a focal point between me and other employees, so this way makes communication for me much easier and more productive as I have contact with one member who keeps updated with all work progress and employees’ updates. 

What are three books or courses you recommend for new entrepreneurs?

I strongly recommend Influence: The Psychology of persuasion by Dr. Robert Cialdini. This book suggests the best answers of what makes people buy your service or product?! Also, it focuses on practical principles such as customer behavior and customer mentality. Those are crucial in order to keep your business stand out in the market.

What is the one thing you wish you knew before starting your business?

It’s totally fine when all odds are stacked during the business journey. I wish I knew that odds are downs happening is a normal course. It’s not the end of the world. Just be grateful for the mistakes and understand your lesson very well.

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

High-quality and valuable content. Peoples’ trust can be gained through the information we deliver them on different places; websites, blogs, and different social media platforms. If they find reliable answers for their questions and queries they would trust you and your business as a result. 

If you only had $1000 dollars to start a new business, knowing everything you know now, how would you spend it?

I would spend the $1000 on a brand-able domain, hoarding, and the best content imaginable. And then promote the content via free sources on the internet while the site gains traction. 

What’s your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

Pick people around you wisely from team members, and employees, then trust them and don’t hesitate to delegate tasks just assign the right tasks to the right employee. This way you save time, and effort. Also, most importantly, that’s a perfect way to invest in human resources and make them express their own thoughts and creative ideas. 

What’s a productivity tip you swear by?

Focus on goals. It’s easy to get distracted while working and this is the worst thing that might have a negative impact on productivity. Set daily or weekly tasks to do, focus on them, and just do them.

What is your favorite quote?

This quote for Henry Ford really touches my soul.

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind not with it”

What is your definition of success?

Success is the inevitable result of the cumulative process of failing, minors accomplishments, ups, and downs. There are factors for this continuous process; hard work, smart work, planning, defining, and measurable goals to achieve through clear strategy. The most important ingredient here is to learn day by and be more patient.

How do you personally overcome fear?

Focus on Knowledge more. Fear isn’t real feelings, it’s just thought! Nothing is real when feelings fear, and the biggest problem of fear is fear overestimate everything, and makes our imagination to create the worst scenarios that might happen and then exaggerate the problem!

So, what I do here is looking for knowledge, data, analytics, science, and information from the right sources.  Ignore the feelings totally. Knowledge is an effective weapon against fear and even other negative emotions and it strengths the mentality for business owners. 

How can readers get in touch with you?

There are many places where we can stay in touch, here’s my LinkedIn Profile
Also, you can know everything and updates about me and my business here on Twitter and on Facebook.

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Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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