Aimee Teesdale is a highly sought-after success coach, author, speaker, and champion for love. Using her transformational 5D Method™, she enables purpose-driven business owners to get out of their own way of success, become the person they would love to be, and create the financial prosperity, freedom, and fulfillment that their soul desires. Her ability to create rapid transformational results with her clients is owing to her personal experience overcoming fear and limiting beliefs that she had struggled with since childhood.
Raised in a low-income family in an impoverished area of the UK, Aimee never saw herself as being capable of running a business and achieving success. However, her determination to create a better life for herself took her on an incredible journey of self-realisation and enabled her to discover what the secret to success really is: less fear, more love.
What is Next Level Success all about?
Next Level Success is all about helping purpose-driven entrepreneurs to get out of their own way of success and create the life and business of their dreams. I coach my clients based upon the understanding that who we think we are is the number one factor that determines what we do and thus the results we create in our lives. Not only that, but we also get to choose who we think we are.
My clients have a vision for their life and a mission they feel drawn to fulfill, but they hold themselves back from achieving it because of limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears about what they are capable of.
My job is to diagnose what those limiting beliefs are and empower people to change them so that they can move forward and create tangible results. It’s really all about helping people to become the person they would really love to be so they can have the life and business they dream of.
Tell us a little bit about your personal background – how you ended up in this career?
I was interested in psychology from a young age, so I studied it at university and then began a career in Human Resources. But shortly after, I realised that I didn’t want to be an employee for someone else – I wanted to have the freedom that comes with being your own boss, but the problem was that at that point in time, I didn’t believe I could ever have my own business. It just wasn’t something that ‘people like me’ did (or so I thought.) But moving to London and meeting people who were achieving things that I had never even dreamed about got me thinking: what is it that they have that I don’t? I quickly realised that it was just a different set of beliefs. I decided I wanted what they had and that’s when I started on my personal development journey.
I started reprogramming my mindset and doing things I’d never done before and was loving it. So when I thought about what business I could start, it was obvious that helping others to overcome their limiting beliefs was my gift, since I had already started to do it for myself.
What was the biggest problem you encountered starting up and how did you overcome it?
My biggest problem was me! I had a part-time job when I started my business which I quit just 8 months after signing my first coaching client, so I unknowingly put myself under financial pressure to make things work. And although I was coaching my clients on their mindset, I put most of my time and money on the practical side to running a business, such as building a website, creating a brand, marketing myself, etc.
I didn’t put enough focus on myself, in other words, my own mindset, and state of being. The financial pressure I was under got in my way of me being able to fully show up and serve people without being worried about the outcome. I survived for a couple of years but eventually, I invested in a mindset coach for myself and that’s when things really started to shift for me. I also went on a 10-day meditation retreat which completely changed my outlook on things and soon after I celebrated my first 5-figure month. However, soon after, success became a struggle again and it took me a while to realise that my results had nothing to do with what I was doing, and everything to do with who I was being.
The problem was that deep down, I didn’t really love myself. I didn’t believe I was worthy of success and I was constantly striving to achieve so that I could feel that I was. I had to do some deep diving into my beliefs about myself and let go of them so that I could be my true self and serve others who were struggling with the same thing. Ultimately, people want to work with coaches because of their energy, which is a product of who they are being and what they believe, which is why working on your own state of being is always your number one priority!
What are some of the Dos and Don’ts of being a business/success Coach?
- Do invest in yourself: especially if you’re not naturally seeing the results that you would love. Everyone can achieve success so if you’re not, a shift in mindset will produce transformational results.
- Do prioritize your own happiness and wellbeing. As a business owner, especially as a coach, your number one priority is you. People all want to be happy and living well so you must be an example. From your own happiness and wellbeing, you can have a greater impact on others.
- Do what you enjoy, and don’t follow other people’s strategy for success unless it feels aligned for you. Too often people get caught up doing what they think they are supposed to do in order to be successful instead of doing what they really enjoy. When you do what you enjoy, the results flow more easily than if you’re trying to force yourself to do something you dislike.
- Don’t wait to have everything figured out before you get started, just start and things will become clearer. People often worry about not having a niche or knowing who their target market is and so they delay until things are ‘perfect’. That’s just fear’s way of holding you back. Start where you are with what you do know and learn as you go along. When I started my business I thought I wanted to be an emotional intelligence coach, later that all changed and evolved but I wouldn’t be where I am now if I hadn’t have started somewhere.
Do you have any other projects or businesses you are working on?
I have my own podcast, Next Level Success, in which you can listen in on real-life coaching sessions with entrepreneurs and business owners, and you can learn how my 5D Method™ helps them to get to their next level by changing the way they see themselves. The podcast really proves the point that the reason why people get stuck in their business is because of the way they see themselves, and when they choose to love themselves instead, that’s when the magic happens. I’ve also had a lot of people tell me that it’s really reassuring to hear other entrepreneurs facing the same issues and that they are not alone!
What has been your most effective marketing strategy to gain new clients?
My top two channels for creating clients have been public speaking and my website. Public speaking is a great way to demonstrate your expertise to people and can yield you, clients, for months, if not years afterward: I still have people reach out to me to ask to work with me after they saw me speak a long time before. However, the key here is delivering value to people, and it’s important that each coach or business owner find their own preferred way of doing that. Some people may hate the thought of public speaking but love creating informative Instagram posts, for example. The important thing is to give value and to do so in the way you most enjoy!
What is your definition of success?
My definition of success is loving life and loving yourself. Life is to be enjoyed, and when you love yourself unconditionally then life itself just becomes a game to play. You feel less stressed about the consequences of things because you no longer fear how it’ll make you feel.
What’s your best piece of advice for people who are just starting their coaching business?
I truly believe that the secret to success is love. The more you love yourself, the easier success will be. I also believe that our businesses are vehicles for our own personal growth: they will bring up what you need to face in order for you to grow and love yourself more, so whenever you are encountering fear or challenges, it’s useful to remember to ask yourself, ‘What is this trying to teach me?’
What is your favorite quote?
“Be an artist of consciousness. Your picture of reality is your most important creation. Make it powerfully profoundly beautiful.”
– Alex Grey
We are all creators of our own realities. We create our own self-concept as well as our concept of reality. The problem is that most of the time we forget that we are doing it! The more I have awoken to the fact that I am creating my own reality the easier I have found it to overcome fear and limiting beliefs, and this quote is an eloquent reminder.
How can readers get in touch with you?
People can reach out to me via my website: or via Instagram, my username is Also, be sure to subscribe to my podcast Next Level Success via any major podcast app!
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