Christophor Gaston Wellness in Action

Christophor Gaston
Photo credit: Christophor Gaston

Christophor Gaston is a Wellness Counsellor and Nutritional Advisor. He specializes in mental health and emotional wellness. He also offers Iridology consultations and Essential Oil consultations.

What is A Look Ahead Wellness and Nutrition all about?

A Look Ahead Wellness and Nutrition is about treating the whole person. Unlike a car where you can change ‘bits’ and not affect the performance, humans need to remember that their wellness is based on both their food and their mental outlook. One affects the other. I have other modalities that also help sustain a healthy outlook and emotional balance.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you started your company?

I am the youngest in my family of 6 siblings. Born in the USA, I travelled extensively across the world which gave me some insight into people. I had my own experience in the “mental health system”, which inspired me to provide a service that gave people a good experience, and not the usual push through, that is so common in this current time.

What would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur, and why?

Flexibility is the number one skill needed. Times are changing at lightning speed and to stay with the times, I need to be flexible and willing to learn.

Innovation is the next skill. As the generations move on, the style of communication, interaction, and expectations is change also. The time requires me as an entrepreneur, to keep up with and where possible anticipate the changes and move with them.

How do you separate yourself from your competitors?

My offer is very unique. Most counsellors/coaches focus on the ‘head’. I focus on the combination of the head and the gut, and how the balance of the two can affect the motivation, the emotional outlook, and how we interact on a daily basis. Plus, my other modalities tie into my main focus.

What was your first business idea and what did you do with it?

My first business was called Conscious Communication. This was my vehicle for couples to re-learn or sometimes learn how to communicate with each other. I had some success with it, and because I wasn’t really focused on it as a business owner, it faded with the lack of attention and intention.

What are you learning now? Why is that important?

I am learning how to be a successful entrepreneur and business owner. This is very important to keep myself focused on the business as much as the clients. With my first business, I focused on the clients, so I didn’t know how to market or advertise effectively. This led to the stagnation of the business, and it withered in the lack of inattention.

What were the top three mistakes you made starting your business, and what did you learn from them? 

My top three mistakes were High enthusiasm but no preparation. Lack of marketing and lacking the skills to sustain the concept. I had a lot of enthusiasm to get something in front of couples who were finding their communication lacking or even hurtful.

I started working but didn’t know how to market, or how to increase the business in an effective way. I had word-of-mouth clients who lasted for a short time. If I had the skills of an entrepreneur then, planning, time management, and vision, I would have kept the business alive. It would have been successful, and I would be living my dream.

If you only had $1000 dollars to start a new business, knowing everything you know now, how would you spend it? 

I would spend it on getting the tools that can make running a business simpler. Tools like mail programs, and other things allow technology to be an effective tool. I would also take a course that would be helpful in jumpstarting my business and help with small ongoing costs. Things such as internet, web hosting, marketing tools (flyers, stationery, ergonomic desks).

What helps you stay driven and motivated to keep going in your business?

My dream, and my desire to help others. I was encouraged by a good friend to write my dream out longhand in a journal 50 times. I did this and now I know it off by heart, and I look at it daily. Without this dream firing my thoughts and literally written down, I wouldn’t have the motivation to stick with it and see it through.

Knowing my experience in the mental health system, I know that there are those who are struggling and wish there was a better way. I have to find them and give them the option to make use of my experience and my skills to provide them with the ongoing tools that can lead to their success.

What is your definition of success?

Success is being able to overcome the block that is holding you back from reaching any goal in life. All of us want to find happiness. That is inherent for everyone. A child learning how to tie their shoes, a young adult looking for their first job, an adult looking for their first million.

There are things that block us and if we give in to them, we might never see the success we know that we deserve. Success is not only overcoming these but also learning the process so it can be replicated should another obstacle arise.

What is your favorite quote?

Your dream will not live unless you know it and work towards it daily. Look at your dream at least twenty-one times a day. Only then will you know the meaning of why it’s your dream.

-Richard Branson

What valuable advice would you give new entrepreneurs starting out? 

Align yourself with those who have done it before. Heighten your skills and be willing to learn, grow, and remain flexible. Know, believe, and talk about your dream on a daily basis. If you don’t talk about your dream, you don’t believe it.

Who should we interview next and why?

You need to interview Marie Allesi. She has organized a group that is supportive of those who have suffered the tragedy and sadness related to grief.

Founder Interview: David Ciccarelli – How to Overcome Fear & The Definition of Success


Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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