Meet Chuck Goodrich, the President of Gaylor Electric

Chuck Goodrich is the President of Gaylor Electric, the largest merit-shop electrical contractor in the Midwest region. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Mr. Goodrich began his career with Gaylor Electric in 1991 as a young college intern who learned the electrical trade through hands-on field experience.

Throughout his career, Goodrich has held various key leadership positions working his way up within the company, and was ultimately named President & CEO in November of 2014. Under his leadership, Gaylor Electric has continued to grow and expand, becoming one of the industry’s most respected and trusted electrical contractors. In addition to his work at Gaylor Electric, Mr. Goodrich serves in the Indiana House of Representatives, where he has authored/co-authored several bills signed into law by Governor Holcomb, including Making Strides for Public Safety Officers: House Bill 1063 and Removing Barriers for Students and Families: House Bill 1009.

Please tell us a little bit about your business – what is Gaylor Electric all about?

Gaylor Electric is an award-winning national electrical contractor, operating 11 offices located in six states across the country. Taking on some of the industry’s most challenging construction projects, we employ more than 2,000 highly skilled men and women, nationally. Gaylor Electric delivers on our Cornerstone of Reliable Resources, Outcomes, Insights and Genuine Care for People; dedicated to Innovation, Quality and being Measurement-Centric accountable.

Comprised of multiple national production and innovation-driven locations, we provide innovative construction solutions and decades of industry expertise to the clients we serve. As the Highest Performing National Contractor of Excellence, Gaylor Electric offers design-build electrical construction, 24/7 on-demand electrical support, and utility service. We provide unequalled quality and project delivery for our clients; we are committed to supplying motivating careers and fulfilling growth opportunities to as many people as possible, enriching the areas we serve, changing the world!

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you started your company.

From humble beginnings in a small town in Indiana, I embarked on a remarkable journey that has brought me to where I am today. After pursuing my passion for construction management at Purdue University, I seized an opportunity to kickstart my career as an intern at Gaylor Electric. Eager to learn, grow, and make a difference, I worked diligently, leveraging every opportunity to take on challenging projects and make connections. Through passion, perseverance, and grit, I maintained a relentless drive a relentless for success, and climbed the operational ladder, taking me all the way to President & CEO.

Now, as a leader, I strive to inspire others and provide opportunities for growth, just as I was once given. I recognize the importance of developing talent, fostering a culture of innovation, and driving the company forward. My humble beginnings serve as a reminder that dreams can become reality with passion, perseverance, and grit! 

What would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur, and why?

  • Passion is the fuel that ignites the entrepreneurial spirit and propels individuals towards success. True passion breeds resilience, creativity, and the ability to overcome obstacles, allowing entrepreneurs to persevere and find innovative solutions to problems. Ultimately, it is passion that distinguishes successful entrepreneurs, as they are driven by the desire to make a difference and leave a lasting impact in their field.
  • Perseverance is what enables us to continue. With a clear vision and a steadfast commitment to a plan, I learned from failures and stayed focused on the plan’s objectives. Perseverance fuels the resilience necessary to withstand the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, inspiring continuous improvement – which ultimately drives success.
  • Grit is an essential quality for an entrepreneur, as it encompasses a unique blend of passion, perseverance.  Individuals who possess grit bounce back from failures, learn from setbacks, and adapt to changing circumstances. They possess a tenacity that propels them forward, refusing to give up or be deterred by obstacles. With grit, entrepreneurs possess the courage to take risks, the discipline to work tirelessly, and the perseverance to overcome the inevitable hurdles that arise along the entrepreneurial journey. It is this relentless drive that separates successful entrepreneurs from the rest,

What are your plans for the future, how do you plan to grow this company?

Measurement-focused accountability is the key to successfully growing a company. In today’s data-driven business landscape, organizations that harness the power of data are better equipped to make informed decisions, optimize processes, and achieve sustainable growth. One essential tool that has played a pivotal role in enabling Gaylor Electric to remain efficient and foster continuous expansion, is the utilization of company data dashboards. These dynamic visual interfaces offer real-time insights into critical metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), empowering our teams to monitor, analyze, and respond to business trends promptly. The utilization of company data has proven instrumental in helping our corporation remain efficient and grow sustainably. By providing real-time information, enhancing operational efficiency, and fostering data-driven insights, the dashboard has become a valuable tool in Gaylor Electric’s continued success as an industry leader.

How have the pandemic and Lockdown affected you or your new business?

The construction industry emerged as an essential sector during Covid-19. With the recognition of its critical role in infrastructure development and economic stability, construction continued to operate throughout the entire pandemic. While taking extra health precautions became our top priority, such as implementing safety protocols, ensuring healthy distancing, and enforcing personal protective equipment on our job sites and in our offices, our commitment to delivering projects at the highest level, remained unwavering. By adapting swiftly and responsibly to the new normal, our business was able to still meet revenue goals in 2020.

The onset of the pandemic presented our company with the opportunity to embrace virtual meetings and revolutionize our approach to communication. With travel restrictions and safety concerns, we adapted to conducting internal and external meetings through virtual platforms. This shift ensured the continuity of our operations and proved to be a positive change in terms of cost savings and efficiency when it came to travel. As we embraced this new way of conducting business, we realized the tremendous value and potential for continued integration of virtual communication even beyond the pandemic.

How do you separate yourself from your competitors?

In a competitive market, we separate ourselves from our competitors by prioritizing Reliability and cultivating strong, ongoing relationships with customers. Trust and dependability are invaluable qualities that customers look for in their business partners. By consistently delivering on our cornerstone of Reliable Resources, Outcomes, Insights, and Genuine Care for People, we provide an exceptional experience to the clients we serve. Establishing a reputation of “Being Reliable,” has truly set us apart. This focus on relationship-building has fostered loyalty and repeat business, as customers value the partnership we’ve developed. By consistently delivering on our commitments and nurturing these mutually beneficial relationships, we also develop a solid foundation for Gaylor Electric’s success in the industry.

What were the top three mistakes you made starting your business, and what did you learn from them?

I purchased the business I own, so I did not start it from scratch.  I had worked my way up through the organization and had a broad knowledge of all levels.  This doesn’t mean I didn’t make mistakes along the way.  Mistakes are a prime ingredient to learning. 

  • My first mistake was being too impatient for progress on some of my ideas. 
  • The second was being too patient with people who needed to be replaced, and the third was understanding that others did not automatically see the vision I had…they needed more information and instruction to buy in on my vision.

Tell us a little bit about your marketing process, what has been the most successful form of marketing for you?

Our comprehensive marketing strategy encompassed various elements to elevate our brand and drive growth. At the forefront of our strategy was the establishment of a powerful statement – “It’s About Reliability.” This recognizable pledge has set us apart from competitors and resonates with our customers. Through consistent messaging, visually appealing designs, and engaging storytelling, we have developed a brand identity that evokes emotion and connects with our customers on a deeper level.

To leverage the digital landscape, we have integrated social media platforms and video into our marketing strategy. Through these platforms and videos, we deliver a direct line of communication to engage with our audience, share compelling content, and spotlight our brand’s personality! With carefully crafted content, we develop meaningful connections with our followers and aim to attract talent by providing a closer look at the Gaylor Nation culture.

Additionally, we recognize the immense power of word-of-mouth marketing and harness it through our own employees. We encouraged a culture of brand advocacy, empowering our team members to become ambassadors for our business. By communicating a cohesive and concise message though every level of our organization, we have ensured that our unique story is known and shared.     

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

Managing my expectations and having the patience to work with others to rise up to meet my expectations has always been a big challenge.  To overcome this, I have always sought our mentors to help listen me out and provide guidance to keep me grounded.

What was your first business idea and what did you do with it?

I have a very active mind, I can’t remember a time that I did not have some type of business idea.  I do know I love the process of thinking about business and how it is the engine of opportunity for people and communities.

What are you learning now? Why is that important?

Every generation needs to be instructed on what their expectations are in order for them to experience “working success.”  This is an endless cycle that will continue and needs to be embraced with enthusiasm.

If you started your business again, what things would you do differently?

Quite honestly, I am not sure I would do anything differently.  I came into ownership with my eyes wide open, had a great team of mentors, and a solid leadership team in place when I became the owner.

What are the top 3 online tools and resources you’re currently using to grow your company?

  • Tableau: I hold a deep appreciation for the power of data and its role in driving growth and inspiring change. In business, data is more than just numbers, it is a valuable asset that provides insights, uncovers trends, and allows for strategic decision-making. By collecting and analyzing company data, we have gained a comprehensive understanding of our industry, operations, and customers. Our data-driven approach empowers us to identify opportunities for improvement, optimize processes, and deliver better experiences to our customers.
  • Salesforce: Piggybacking on the importance of data, tracking our sales process and knowing our project pipeline has boosted company growth. By adopting this customer relationship management platform, we have gained valuable insights into our customers, their preferences, and their behaviors. This deeper understanding has allowed us to better meet their needs, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. 
  • Bridge Learning Management System: Providing education opportunities to employees is a catalyst for company growth. By investing in the development of our workforce, we develop a culture of life-long learning. Through our internal learning management system, we equips our employees with the skills and expertise needed to excel in their roles. Providing pathways to licenses and certifications, we foster a sense of loyalty and commitment. When employees feel valued and supported through educational programs, they become more engaged, motivated, and inspired to contribute their best to the company.

What’s a productivity tip you swear by?

I firmly believe that what gets measured gets done. By setting clear and quantifiable goals, tracking progress, and regularly evaluating performance, we can ensure that we’re staying focused and accountable. Effective measurement is the key to driving productivity and continuous improvement. It allows us to identify areas of strength and areas that require attention, enabling us to allocate resources, technology, and innovation effectively. By leveraging data and metrics, we gain valuable insights into our operations, enabling us to make informed decisions and optimize our processes. Through a measurement-centric culture we strive to excel, pushing ourselves to new levels of excellence, while fostering a results-oriented environment.

Can you recommend one book, one podcast, and one online course for entrepreneurs?

Book – Shifting Shadows by Herman Mendoza

I am not a consistent podcast listener so do not have a particular one to recommend.

If you only had $1000 dollars to start a new business, knowing everything you know now, how would you spend it?

Research…is there a desire and a need for my idea!

What helps you stay driven and motivated to keep going in your business?

One of the driving forces that keeps me motivated in my business is the ability to provide exceptional opportunities to others. I am aware of the impact I can have on the lives of those around me. Through providing career opportunities, pathways, and development, Gaylor Electric contributes to employee personal and professional growth. Seeing folks achieve their goals is immensely gratifying. Knowing that my business can make a difference in the lives of others, whether it be through employment, partnerships, or community initiatives, gives me a sense of purpose and fuels my drive to keep going.

What is your favorite quote?

This changes weekly…the most current is one from Steve Jobs: 

Innovation distinguishes between the leaders and the followers.

What valuable advice would you give new entrepreneurs starting out?

Embrace the power of grit and innovation. Grit will be your unwavering determination that propels you forward in the face of challenges and setbacks. Coupled with grit, don’t be afraid to think outside the box, take calculated risks, and develop unique solutions that disrupt the norm. You must be a lifelong learner. In this evolving world, we can’t afford to do things the way they have always been done. Seek knowledge, stay curious, and embrace a forward-thinking mindset. I believe that success lies in your ability to adapt and embrace change, so don’t be afraid to pivot when necessary and be open to new ideas and perspectives — diverse teams cultivate diverse solutions. 

Finally, never lose sight of your purpose. Entrepreneurship is not just about financial gains but making a positive impact on the world. Define your mission and let it guide your decisions.

Who should we interview next and why?

I do not have any suggestions and this point.

What is your definition of success?

From a business standpoint, success can be defined by profitability and manageable growth. Although financial sustainability is important; it isn’t everything. Success as an entrepreneur can also be measured by the impact and influence an individual has on the industry or society. This includes making a positive difference in people’s lives, developing innovative solutions, and leaving a lasting legacy. For me, success is best defined by having the ability to pass on knowledge and experiences to others, which in turn, provides me with a sense of joy. Being able to pursue my passion and align my values with my business ventures has provided me with a great sense of achievement. Ultimately, success as an entrepreneur is a multifaceted concept, combining financial stability, positive industry impact, and personal fulfillment.

How do you personally overcome fear?

Over the years, I have overcome fear in pursuit of success. Realizing early on that fear has the potential to hold us back, I have learned that true growth lies on the other side of fear. It is through embracing and confronting our fears that we find the courage to take calculated risks, make bold decisions, and explore uncharted territories. Overcoming fear requires a mindset shift, a willingness to step outside our comfort zones and embrace the unknown. It is in these moments of fear and uncertainty that we discover our true capabilities. I have learned to view fear not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity! By acknowledging and addressing fear head on, we empower ourselves to persevere in the face of adversity and ultimately achieve greatness. As a business owner, I encourage myself and those around me to embrace fear as a catalyst for growth; knowing that the greatest rewards lie just beyond our fears.

How can readers get in touch with you?

At Gaylor Electric, we firmly believe in fostering open and transparent communication. We understand the importance of engaging with our community and other businesses to build strong relationships based on trust and collaboration.

Whether you have questions, suggestions, or simply want to share an idea, I invite you to reach out to me directly via email at My inbox is always open, and I look forward to making new connections. Feedback is invaluable, as it helps us to grow, innovate, and continuously improve.


Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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