Dawn Airhart Witte: The Little Book of Be…

Dawn Airhart Witte

Dawn Airhart Witte has a mission: to inspire others to find their purpose and live it!  She is a certified life coach, speaker and the founder of the Desire to Inspire Foundation, a non-profit organization that works to break cycles of extreme poverty.  Dawn has also penned several books, including Be… which encourages perseverance, purpose and putting kindness out into the world. 

Though she’s involved in many projects, Dawn’s most proud of her role as a mom to two daughters. Nurturing their hearts and spirits drives a deep desire to do the same for children everywhere. And Dawn is doing exactly that through trips around the world with Desire to Inspire providing clean water, education, clothing, food, books and love.

Prior to following her passion to improve the world, Dawn held a number of leadership positions, including PTA President, NCL-LA Founder Chapter President, Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), Big Sister, and Public Works Commissioner. She attended Cornell University and earned certification in Animal Assisted Therapies from Harcum College.  Dawn recently received an Honorary Doctorate in Humanitarianism from the Global International Alliance. She is the 2021 Women of Achievement Ms. Elite Southern California titleholder and was recently appointed as Chaplain of the USA Ladies of All Nations International (LOANI) group for California.

In addition to helping others through coaching and her foundation, Dawn is currently working on her “Be…” books and merchandise as well as her “Recipes for Being” series. She is also raising money for her “Paths to Purpose” sustainability projects in Africa.

No matter the challenge, Dawn believes in Pamela Leo’s words, “Children need at least one person in their life who thinks the sun rises and sets on them, who delights in their existence, and loves them unconditionally.”

What is the overall message you are trying to share with your readers?

My overall message in all that I do is to touch people’s lives in love and kindness and to inspire them to live their happiest and most rewarding lives full of purpose and passion. I believe everyone has greatness within themselves. Helping people live into that greatness and be their very best selves is my purpose and passion.

What are the top three tools you are currently using to write, publish, and promote your books?

I just bought a new Surface and do all of my writing on it. I would never call my editor, coauthor and friend a tool but I couldn’t do any of this without her. And, I love social media. For all of the negative ways that we can social media it has really connected the world in a beautiful and significant way.

What were the top three mistakes you made publishing your book what did you learn from it?

I do not believe anything is a mistake if you have learned and grown from the experience. I have learned so much since I started out on this journey and I would not trade any of the experiences I have had.

What must happen for you to consider your book(s) a success? and when do you predict it will happen?

In one of my favorite quotes, Ralph Waldo Emerson says, “To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” That is my true definition of success and when someone tells me my writing or speaking has inspired them, that is the highest compliment and my most rewarding achievement.

What advice do you have for new authors who want to write and publish their first book?

Go for it! Fear and doubt often keep us from sharing our gifts with the world. Let go of the fear and remove all your doubts. You are the only one who can tell your story and your story could change someone’s life.

What is the one thing you wished you knew before publishing your first book? I have learned so much since I published my first book, it is hard to choose only one thing. The most significant thing I have learned about writing and life in general is to believe in myself, to speak my truth, and to strive to be my very best self each and every day.

Can you share some of the marketing techniques that have worked for you when promoting your book?

I have been blessed with all of the supportive friends I have from all around the world. They have helped propel several of my books to Amazon bestsellers rankings. Social media has been a tremendous tool for sharing all of my work with others.

If you had the chance to start your career over again what would you do differently?

Although I have made some decisions that did not always work out the way I envisioned, I would not do anything much differently. I have been building the foundation of my work for the past five years and I am seeing all of my efforts  starting to magically bloom. I have learned a great deal from every experience and I am tremendously happy and profoundly grateful for where I am on my path.

What are three books or courses you recommend for new authors?

I have read so many extraordinary books but these three books totally changed my life, “The Light Between Us,” “Signs; The Secret Language of the Universe, both by Laura Lynn Jackson and most recently, “Get the Hell Out of Your Own Way,” by Jan Grobler.

None of them are about writing but are about living. Each one has helped me learn who I am and who I want to be in the world.

If you only had $100 dollars to write, publish then promote a new book, knowing everything you know now, how would you spend it?

If I only had $100 dollars, I think I would use it to buy as many copies of my book as I could to hand out as gifts. I write my books to inspire others to live their happiest lives so being able to share my writing is the best way I could ever spend my money.

How can we get in touch with you?

My email address is dawnawitte@gmail.com and you can find me on Linkedin and Facebook at Dawn Airhart Witte.

Instagam @desiretoinspirefoundation

Dawn Airhart Witte: Books Here

Related: Bo Parfet co-founder of Denali Venture Philanthropy: Profound Social Change


Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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