Now’s Time to Glow Your Goddess With Joy Berkheimer

Joy Berkheimer

Joy, known as the Nation’s # 1 Goddess Glow Up Expert, is the founder of Renew Yourself With Joy LLC, and promotes constant inner shining as the founder of the Glow Your Goddess ® Movement. Joy helps women to cultivate their self-love, facilitating their abundant connections with the right partners. She consistently shares relationship gems & guidance to 1000’s through her Dear Joy Live Series, facilitating weekly webinars, and hosting her podcast, Glow Your Goddess. Joy’s work as a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Dating Coach and Speaker has proven to be invaluable in changing the lives and love of everyone she connects with. Joy authored a 5-star rated, published book for goddesses, “Why Won’t he Call?”.

After graduating from Barry University, Joy immediately opened her private therapy practice and is currently a solo practitioner. Her practice is focused on a humanistic and strength-based foundation to allow for clients to regain spiritual connection, self-discovery, and healing.

For 10 years, Joy worked with the Miami Dade Attorney’s Office, Domestic Violence Unit. Here she found her passion was to align with helping women remember there is a limitless goddess within, ready to thrive, not survive. Joy remains inspired by a belief that there is always more for you and a faith that you are 100% the author of your own story.

Joy’s vision is to guide every woman who seeks abundance of joy and freedom in their lives to discover her inner goddess & fully glow up in her relationships.

What is Glow Your Goddess all about?

My company is Glow Your Goddess and it pretty much consists of me! I’m a solo entrepreneur, relationship expert, women’s life and dating coach. The mission of Glow Your Goddess is to help women identify the goddess features within themselves, become healthy and clear with their value and self-esteem, and then move forward to cultivate healthy romantic relationships that they deserve. Glow Your Goddess was a movement that was started because I found my most enjoyable sessions to be with women who were going through life transition and wanting to evolve from the identity they had in previous unhealthy relationships.

I was able to witness the value of coaching women closely in shifting their narrative and women being able to find abundance in their lives that they had not previously sought out. Glow Your Goddess has expanded from just helping women identify their glow and focus on utilizing that glow to attract the type of partners one aligns with.

Glow Your Goddess offers a membership with ongoing courses, coaching one on one, coaching groups and has published a book to make the guidance provided for women even easier to access. Glow Your Goddess continues to share inspiration, daily, through live Q&A ‘s, webinars, and ongoing masterclasses.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you started your company?

I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist in South Florida. Before I started my practice, I worked at the state attorneys office for 10 years in the domestic violence unit. It was in this unit that I begin to work with victims of domestic violence, primarily women, and help guide them through the legal process as well as giving minimal counseling. Because if I work with the state attorneys office I realize how passionate I was about helping women transition from a place that they feel stuck and figured out that most of the time where we feel stock is in our minds. I began to realize the power of mindset shifts in allowing us to visualize new goals and opportunities for ourselves and understood that even with being able to have a vision for goals we all need resources and assistance to keep us encouraged and motivated that we can take the steps to reach our goals.

After reaching the top of my career at the state attorneys office and realizing I would not be able to work with any of my clients for more than two hours, I decided that I wanted to be a therapist and have my own private practice, helping women in my authentic way. Once I realize what was required, I quickly applied to a Master’s program where I completed a dual masters in marriage and family therapy and mental health counseling. Immediately after graduating I open my practice, renew yourself with Joy LLC, and advertise that I wanted to work with women who were in life transition and help them move through this journey and come to the other side feeling more empowered. That is exactly what I did for years and when I decided I wanted to align more with my idea of what a goddess was I created glow your goddess. It is with Glow Your Goddess  I am able to do more direct work with coaching women around these mindset shift, identifying who gave them their narrative that is not a healthy one and helping them understand how to write the story for themselves.

I am now able to work with my goddesses through women’s retreats, workshops, webinars, a live series, my podcast, and authoring a book to put right in the hands of the women who want to start to help themselves. It’s through my personal experience of having to transition from relationships that have been abusive and made me feel stuck that I became passionate about making sure that every God is can free herself from that space and fully understand that she can have a type of relationship that she deserves.

What would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur, and why?

I’d say the top three skills for being a successful entrepreneur are:

One: Not being afraid of being authentic and the way you do business.

Two: Being a good relationship builder as you definitely need others and resources in areas that you are not an expert in to make sure that your business succeeds.

And three, being able to manage your time so that you avoid putting effort into something that has two little returns as well as avoids burnout and not being able to be the number one employee in your business.

How do you separate yourself from your competitors?

I separate myself from my competitors by pulling my information from my own experience, being transparent about my failures as well as being transparent about the struggles to get my windows. I try to stay in a space of no filter and invite my goddesses to be on this journey for themselves letting them know the ups and downs that happen but also letting them know what is completely possible without you being perfect but being perfectly you.

What were the top three mistakes you made starting your business, and what did you learn from them? 

Top three mistakes: the first mistake with starting my business is listening to somebody who was not supportive and told me that I would not be successful. By engaging in these fear-based conversations I did not put myself out there enough, I lowered my prices to the point where I felt like I can catch anyone, and I was not discerning and who I would work with.

The second mistake was trying to work with every person instead of focusing on a niche.

The third mistake I made was trying to do everything alone and not collaborating with others who had strengths that would’ve helped me move along further faster.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

My biggest challenges have been mostly in my mind. Whenever I allow myself to hyper-focus on what is not happening right now, the phone calls that are not coming in, or the negative comments or feedback I may get I can get lost on that being the only truth and forget all of the successes that I’ve actually had a business and all the hurdles I continue to jump over.

Being able to manage your narrative is exactly what I teach other people, however, sometimes I can get caught in it myself. I believe that when we home in on the things that we do not want that is a vibration of energy that we are bringing to ourselves, therefore, manifesting more of it.

So, my biggest challenge is finding ways to make sure that I drop into a space where my beliefs about my business are aligned with the limitlessness, abundance and faith because with this that is what I continue to manifest and cultivate in my life and business

What helps you stay driven and motivated to keep going in your business?

One of the things that keeps me driven and motivated to keep going to my business is that I want to show my children that it is possible for you to be an entrepreneur and not receive a check from any corporation that tells you how you have to show up at work or gives you limitations as to how dynamic you can be.

I want my kids to understand the power of their skills, the power of their authenticity, and feel free to move through the world exactly as they are, identifying their beauty as something that can also be financially viable.

What is your favorite quote?

I am enough, I have enough, I do enough.

What valuable advice would you give new entrepreneurs starting out? 

My most valuable advice to entrepreneurs starting out is to stop taking 500 notes, stop watching 1 million YouTube videos and go ahead put your stamp in the world. Take that first step and establish your brand. Don’t get stuck in your head but be out here in the world, whether or not it’s a complete success the first time you did it your best you do not exist until you allow someone else to witness it. Let us witness your greatness in the making.

How can readers get in touch with you?

The best place to find me and reach me quickly would be by hopping on my Instagram page, @glowyourgoddess, and dropping me a DM. I check those daily, but if e-mail is more up your alley, get me at

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Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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