Interview with Latika Vines – Founder of Visionary Initiatives, LLC

Latika Vines
Photo credit: Latika Vines

Latika Vines is a Baltimore, Maryland native, currently residing in the Southern part of the state with her husband and four young daughters. Latika empowers working mothers, in male-dominated industries, to lead and grow in their Careers while strengthening Organizations to retain them.

Latika is a firm believer that everyone has a career vision, and although that vision can get blurry and put on the backburner at times, it must be picked back up and turned into an initiative (ACTION)! Through her books, podcast, workshops, summits, conferences, and coaching, she empowers working mothers how to be the B.O.S.S. of their Careers.

What is Visionary Initiatives, LLC all about?

Visionary Initiatives, LLC is a Career and Personal Development Organization providing Strategy, Consulting, Coaching, and Training. We are dedicated to the Career Development of Law Enforcement, Information Technology, and Professional Services employees, particularly their working mothers. It has been our mission to support and guide organizations to retain their current working moms with work-life balance, career mobility, increased employee satisfaction, and improved succession planning while creating strategies to increase their attractiveness as a place for working moms to work. While coaching working mothers to get ahead in their careers, so they can have a thriving career and be present at home.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you started your company?

I am a working mother of 4 young girls and a wife struggling with my unhappiness. But, it wasn’t until I was diagnosed with postpartum depression that I realized that my unhappiness was the result of unclear career mobility, along with a lack of work-life balance. Throughout my early thirties, I began taking positions of flexibility rather than those that offered both mobility and flexibility. But, once I was able to create the system and strategy to thrive in my career and be present at home without the overwhelming stress to do both, I made it my mission to help other working moms overcome their unhappiness and pursue their career vision. Thus, Visionary Initiatives was birth. I have used my 16+ years of career and organizational development experience, along with being a working mom of multiple children to assist working mothers towards their career mobility.

What would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur, and why?

  • As an aspiring entrepreneur, it’s essential to have the skill of adaptability because the pandemic has taught the world that change will occur, it’s inevitable. And to grow or sustain in an ever-changing world, adapting to technology, language, and the way of business will ensure that your business will remain relevant and will endure uncertain times.
  • I also believe that aspiring entrepreneurs should have the skill of strategic planning. Choosing to be an entrepreneur is a great path to embark on, but if you do not have the vision or strategic plan to forecast what you want in the future and know what is needed (e.g. resources, building, etc.…) to obtain your future goals, you will not have a successful business/longevity in your business.
  • Lastly, I believe that an aspiring entrepreneur should be a leader of people. Leading a company is important, but leading people effectively is an even greater asset to obtain. As a leader, you are responsible for being the visionary of your company while articulating your vision to your employees. You will have to obtain empathy, communication, and negotiation skills, amongst others, to be an effective leader. 

What are your plans for the future, and how do you plan to grow this company?

In the immediate future, my plan is to become a consultant for IBM where we will enhance their workforce development division to be more inclusive of working mothers and improve overall employee satisfaction.

In the next 10 years, my plan is to have a team of 20-30 consultants and coaches that are available to support the organizational development and workforce development needs of male-dominated industries across the world. My team will be the most sought after for strategic planning, organizational development, workforce development, team building, and more.

I plan to grow this company by standing firm to my values by including Christ in the mission of the work.

How have the pandemic and Lockdown affected you or your new business? 

Since the start of the pandemic’s lockdown, over 1.5 million working mothers have left the workforce, while a few million have been contemplating whether they should leave to care for their families. This has given me the opportunity to collaborate with influencers to share work-life balance and career mobility strategies to their audience, while increasing my coaching clients where I can individually create a Life and Career Management Solution for them to stay on their jobs and be present with their families without overwhelming stress. This has also given me the opportunity to connect with organizations who need support, guidance, and strategy to increase their retention rates while being inclusive of their working mother workforce.

Both my coaching and consulting clients have increased by 75% since the start of the pandemic’s lockdown.

One of the biggest lessons I learned is to adapt to the current time. I was able to adapt to the needs of working mothers during a time of uncertainty and this proved to strategically increase my profits, network, and influence.

How do you separate yourself from your competitors?

In my coaching programs, courses, and workshops, I continue to teach working mothers how to lead and be the B.O.S.S. of their careers and balance life, while teaching them how to grow in their relationship with Christ. I believe that the foundation of your Life & Career Management Solution is based on your relationship with Christ. When you have Christ, everything else becomes easier. This sets me apart from other career coaches who work with working mothers.

Through my consulting services, I continue to empower organizations to be innovative while using the resources they already have. I believe that many leaders have the resources and answers they need, it’s just that they need someone on their side to support and guide them in realizing that what they need is right in front of them. This separates me from my competitors.

What were the top three mistakes you made starting your business, and what did you learn from them? 

  • I believe the biggest mistake I made starting my business was not asking questions from entrepreneurs I looked up to and searching for everything on Google and YouTube. Although those resources were great, they couldn’t answer the individual questions I had, and I didn’t make myself vulnerable enough to ask for guidance, support, or help.
  • Additionally, I did not surround myself with entrepreneurs who were in stages I wanted to be in. For instance, if I wanted to make $1000 a month, I needed to be in groups or environments with those entrepreneurs who were making between $1000 and $2000 a month. And, once I achieved that goal, I needed to add entrepreneurs who made between $2000 and $3000 a month into my circle of motivation and influence. I had to learn to surround myself with those who would support where I am but push me to where I want to be – their levels.
  • Lastly, the mistake I made starting my business was not being forward-thinking with my goals. I had mediocre goals that kept me in a small circle to gain clients. Once I began to have extraordinary goals, I was able to expand my business globally.   

Tell us a little bit about your marketing process, what has been the most successful form of marketing for you?

The most successful marketing process I have used is networking. Each week I attend at least one networking event and during that event I meet individuals who are perspective clients or would refer me to clients. I have found that talking to people and sharing with them, in 60 seconds, what I do and the impact I make for working mothers has helped me to gain consistent clients and opportunities such as speaking, collaborating on books, magazines, etc…

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge I experience in my business has been myself. In the early stages of starting my business, I doubted my experience, speaking ability, and spiritual beliefs. I looked and compared myself to other career coaches and working mother coaches and felt that I needed to be just like them because they appeared to be successful. But, when I spoke to them, they were not as what their social media portrayed. I realized that I had to be true to myself and only do what I am destined to do. And, doing what I am destined to do includes acknowledging my 16+ years of career development experience, accepting how I speak edifying, empowering, and educating women, and not being afraid to include my faith in God in helping working mothers overcome their stillness and pursue Career success.

What was your first business idea and what did you do with it?

My first business idea was to start a daycare (learning center for infants and toddlers) in my basement. However, I created a pros and cons list on this idea and realized that I am not meant to be a daycare provider; however, the idea of creating a learning center for older children is something I would like to do in the future.

What are you learning now? Why is that important?

I am currently learning to stop accepting nonsense or excuses from people and move forward with the vision God has given me. This is important to me because I have allowed excuses or negative responses to my business ventures to stop me from moving forward in my goals. I now realize that I can not allow other people to prevent me from doing what I am destined to do. I must bring my seat to the table or create my own table to fulfill the vision. I can not allow other people to write or fulfill my destiny.

If you started your business again, what things would you do differently?

I wouldn’t restart how Visionary Initiatives was formed. Throughout the years I have experienced the highs and lows of operating a business in an economy that was thriving and one that was not; I have experienced the highs and lows of taking courses that repeated the same strategies that I was doing, but gained connection with the women in the course; I have experienced the highs and lows of not having support from family and friends; I have experienced the highs and lows of feeling isolated, but allowed me the time and space to be creative. The experiences I have gained in my business have strengthened me and built my faith muscle in God, in myself, and in my business.

What are the top 3 online tools and resources you’re currently using to grow your company? 

  • The top three online tools I currently use to grow my organization include Honeybook, Mailchimp, and Teachable. Honeybook is a client management system where I am able to schedule meetings and coaching sessions, create and submit contracts for signature, keep client profiles organized, communicate with perspective clients while maintaining communication with current clients, and so much more.
  • Mailchimp is another client management system that allows me to communicate and share newsletters, blogs, podcast episodes, and more to help working mothers and organizations to develop their careers and workforce.
  • Teachable is a learning management platform that allows me to host my coaching program and courses for clients. It has proven to be an asset in my business.

What’s a productivity tip you swear by?

A productivity tip that I swear by and teach the working mothers I interact with is to conduct a productivity hour each week to prepare and plan for the upcoming week. This allows working mothers to prioritize and eliminate overwhelming tasks for the upcoming week.

Another tip that has worked for me and my clients is D.N.P. Done Not Perfect. Too often we delay our goals and/or finished products because they are not perfect. But, holding our goals or products back because they aren’t picture perfect will only hinder you from the levels you are achieving. It’s better to complete a product, rather than have it be perfect to be submitted. Complete the product/project and submit it, and if changes are needed, there will be an appointed time to do so. Don’t delay any longer. Complete your work, be done with it, and move on to the next goal/product/project.

Can you recommend one book, one podcast, and one online course for entrepreneurs? 

  • I recommend entrepreneurs to read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. The purpose of this book is to give you the author’s strategies to change your mindset to achieve success.
  • Secondly, I recommend entrepreneurs to listen to The Goal Digger Podcast hosted by Jenna Kutcher which provides strategies and inspiration to help you achieve your goals. The host shares her personal struggles and how she was able to overcome them, along with the personal stories of her guests.
  • Lastly, I recommend entrepreneurs to take small business courses (online and physical) through your local small business development center sponsored through your state or county. These courses are best to take because you gain individualized support from the instructor, and you are able to connect with entrepreneurs in your local community. Additionally, taking the courses will give you access to resources such as funding, office space, and more in your local area.

If you only had $1000 dollars to start a new business, knowing everything you know now, how would you spend it? 

If I had $1000 I would invest in a course or certificate program to enhance my knowledge on the particular product or service I will provide in the new business. 

What helps you stay driven and motivated to keep going in your business?

The reason why I started my business is what keeps me motivated to keep going in my business. I started my business to make an impact in this world, to set an example for my four daughters, and to be the B.O.S.S. of my own career. I also believe that I have been called to this work, which is why I get up every single morning to edify, educate, and empower working mothers.

What is your favorite quote?

My favorite quote is:

“surround yourself only with people who are going to take you higher.”

– Oprah Winfrey

This quote has reminded me that I need to constantly be around those who will encourage, support, and teach me how to achieve my goals. These individuals will pray for me, share scriptures with me, mention my name in rooms that I won’t have to go in, and more.

What valuable advice would you give new entrepreneurs starting out?

God has given you a vision for what you are supposed to do in your life. You won’t receive happiness until you do it. You won’t receive the blessing that is in store for you until you pursue the vision God has given you. Today is the day where you write the vision God has given you and begin aligning your life with what He has destined for you. The vision that you have is not your vision – it’s God’s vision. And, He has equipped you with every talent, skill, knowledge, and experience needed to fulfill that vision. He trusts you with the vision He has given you. So start now so you can finally receive the peace that God promises you. Start now so you can finally receive the blessings that have your name written on them. Start now so you can finally live the life you are destined to live.

Who should we interview next and why?

I recommend interviewing Grace Onuegbu who is a phenomenal woman to be interviewed. Grace Onuegbu was born in Umuahia, Nigeria. She is a board-certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, life coach, speaker, and author. She is the founder of SMILEBIZ LLC a personal development company where she teaches women how to balance their lives and reach their goals. I recommend interviewing Grace because she educates and empowers women to live a life of peace, prestige, purpose, and prosperity.

What is your definition of success?

My definition of success is making an impact in the world. I believe that my calling is to teach and if I am able to edify, educate, and empower the world, then I have achieved success.

How do you personally overcome fear?

Fear is defined as being afraid of something or someone. I have realized that I was not created to be fearful of anything or anyone. And, to overcome fear that seems to be around me is to 1) surround myself with those who are not fearful; 2) affirm myself daily; 3) listen to positive and motivational messages and songs daily; and 4) read books by authors who are reaching or have achieved their definition of success as inspiration for me to continue going.

Additionally, I meet with like-minded women each week to hold me accountable to achieve my goals. These actions do not allow fear to enter my mind, and if it does, I do the work to let it go quickly.

How can readers get in touch with you? 

To learn more about me and my work, you can find me on amazon, google, and social media.

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Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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