Featured in Fox, NBC & CBS Lavette Minn is a Business Coach, Brand Consultant, Master Teacher of Universal Laws, Owner and Founder of Blue Diamond Brandz and host of the 60 Second Entrepreneur podcast. Lavette holds two certifications and a degree in Business Administration. Blue Diamond Brandz, LLC is a Brand Development Agency that specializes in assisting business owners to build Diamond Brands while increasing their sales and leads with Brand Development, Universal Laws and Mental Alkhemy. Lavette teaches her clients to create their own lanes and build authority through the use of various lesser-known Universal Laws while using mental transmutation to build a brand of their dreams, alongside Brand Development.
Everything that exist operates within a system of Universal Laws, so utilizing this knowledge in your brand literally makes you unstoppable and completely shifts your reality. Since the rebirth of Blue Diamond Brandz, LLC on 11/11/2020, Lavette has seen incredible growth. This is all due to her taking action on the knowledge that came to her one evening while in meditation. She moved forward in transmuting The Family Brand Movement into Blue Diamond Brandz and have since assisted well over 50 clients with building their own diamond brandz.
Please tell us a little bit about your company – what is Blue Diamond Brandz, LLC all about?
Blue Diamond Brandz, LLC is a Full-Service Brand Development Agency branding business owners to build diamond brands, increase their sales & leads with brand development, mental alkhemy & Universal Laws. We specialize in the ongoing process of helping our clients to know their business, know their audience, and manage their brand growth with increased sales. There are several steps to brand development, and we help businesses to build great brands by ensuring that everything they do leads to developing a brand they want to maintain.
Tell us a little bit about your background and how you started your company?
Blue Diamond Brandz was first The Family Brand Movement which was a business focused on teaching families to create generational wealth through business and personal financial success. It started as a family business in 2017 and continued to evolve over the last 3 years. After attracting a specific segment of clients, I decided to re-brand it and turn it into a Brand Development Agency. After an intense meditation session one evening, it was clear that a full re-brand was necessary to fully align with my skills, expertise and the clients I was working on attracting. That is how Blue Diamond Brandz was .
What are your plans for the future, how do you plan to grow this company?
My plans for the future are to work with celebrity and corporate clientele. My aim is to focus more on the foundation, gut and heart of a business and brand more than the technical aspects of it. I plan on growing my company by continuing to bring value and yielding true results for my clients along with creative and strategic marketing, advertising, and collaboration efforts.
How do you separate yourself from your competitors?
I teach my clients to create their own lanes and build authority through the use of various lesser-known Universal Laws while using mental transmutation (also known as mental alchemy) to build a brand of their dreams, alongside Brand Development. Everything that exist operates within a system of Universal Laws, so utilizing this knowledge in your brand literally makes you unstoppable and completely shifts your reality. That’s how Blue Diamond Brandz differs from other branding agencies. It’s easy to teach someone to build a brand from textbook knowledge, but when you utilize Universal energy and principles, it’s a game changer that gives you an incredible competitive advantage.
What were the top three mistakes you made starting your business, and what did you learn from them?
My top 3 mistakes were:
- Investing too much money before making money
- Not researching the market to see if there was a need for our services
- Focusing too much on non-income producing activities.
What I’ve learned from these mistakes is that you have to start building momentum and traction in your business before you scale up with increased expenses. For every dollar you put into your business, it’s important to have a clear plan on how you are going to bring in 3-5 times of that amount. A big part that plays into this mistake was not thoroughly researching the market to see if there was a pressing need for the services being offered. This is so important because it gives you footing on identifying your audience and getting in front of them to increase your sales instead of working endless hours on non-incoming producing activities.
What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?
What is the one thing you wish you knew before starting your business? I wish I knew how hard it was. I mean that in the most positive way. It would have prepared me to be more diligent instead of believing that all I had to do was build it and they would come. Building a business comes with endless research, sleepless nights, confidence, emotional rollercoasters, lessons from failures and mistakes and plenty of broke days. These are all benchmarks on your way to obtaining the business success you’ve defined.
What are three books or courses would you recommend to entrepreneurs?
My top 3 book recommendations are Rework by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles, and 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
What is your favorite quote?
“Create the highest grandest vision for your life, because you become what you believe”
– Oprah Winfrey
What’s your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?
My best piece of advice for upcoming entrepreneurs is to remember that success is defined by YOU! If you want to lose 30 lbs and you meet that goal, SUCCESS! If you want to make $20k your first 6 months in business and you meet that goal, SUCCESS! Writing down your goals, taking action and gaining traction through consistency and showing up for YOURSELF is success. You define what success means to you. You are the only one that matters!
How can we get in touch with you?
You can visit my company website Blue Diamond Brandz find me on social media via Facebook, Instagram. You can also email lavette@bluediamondbrandz.com
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