Marcia Blane: Living an Authentic Life

Marcia Blane
Photo Credit: Fashion

Marcia Blane is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Clinical Hypnotherapist, an Author, Life Coach, and Motivational Speaker. Marcia embraces the appointment on her life to live in an authentic space of self-love and self-empowerment.

Marcia provides guidance to those that she engages on their journey to authentic living by addressing past traumatic events, empowering clients to utilize their voices silenced from trauma, and modeling positive affirmations and behaviors that encourages growth.

As a mother and grandmother, Marcia postures herself as an example for her family and everyone that she encounters with the encouragement that you are your only competition and even you can’t stop your purpose.

Please tell us a little bit about your business – what is The Marcia Blane Brand all about?

The Marcia Blane Brand (MBB) houses three components, mental wellness, empowerment and motivational speaker, and an author. As a Licensed Professional Therapist and a Hypnotherapist, I assist clients with processing and overcoming trauma while being empowered to live an authentic life. As a motivator and author, I utilize various platforms to spread the message of empowerment and healing.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you started your company?

As a Licensed Professional Counselor, African American therapist are 17% of providers available to the community. Assisting the BIPOC community with effective mental health care in 2019s vital to change outlook, reduce inaccurate diagnosis, and to assist with healing. I began my mental health private practice in 2019 prior to the explosion of COVID. COVID changed to trajectory of mental health with the utilization of teletherapy and affordable opportunities for individuals who would not have utilized services.

Initially, I co-shared an office in an area with a great number of BIPOC providers. I relocated my business to the Southside and focused on serving the community. My clients can take a walk during their session on Friday or Saturday (depending on their appointment time) or take a short drive to the office for a face-to-face or participate in therapy virtually. My goal is to “meet clients where they are” in order to assist them as they journey to a path of mental wellness and authentic living.

What would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur, and why?

  • Customer Service – treat your company and provide customer service the way you desire to be treated.
  • Be flexible – your plan may continue to evolve as you gain more insight about being an entrepreneur.
  • Level up – utilize mentors and resources that will enhance growth. If you continue to be the most prominent person in the room, the chance to grow is limited.

What are your plans for the future, and how do you plan to grow this company?

It is my goal to expand the location of the Marcia Blane Brand by purchasing a plaza that will house a mental wellness center to include therapy offices, group therapy space, and meditation rooms which includes the use of yoga and sound therapy.  Additionally, an area would provide a space to have some tea and conversation with others. An area dedicated to providing a state-of-the-art auditorium for motivational speaking events.

How have the pandemic and Lockdown affected you or your new business?

The pandemic was a blessing in the sky for me as my business flourished to include publishing two books and a consistent flow of clients that has kept my business growing. The one area that I was not adequately prepared to engage in was social media. It was a challenge learning about algorithms needed to ensure an online presence.

What were the top three mistakes you made starting your business, and what did you learn from them?

The top three mistakes are centered around revenue.

  • The first is working with an accounting firm to gain insight and understanding of business planning and finances. You may have a keen since for personal finances but business finances is a different arena.
  • Secondly, utilize tools to enhance your accounting activity to include paying quarterly taxes to prevent tax issues.
  • Third, give yourself permission to identify others who has skills that you can utilize, vet them, and pay for their services. It will reduce unnecessary stress.

Tell us a little bit about your marketing process, what has been the most successful form of marketing for you?

Word-of-mouth referrals have been the most effective marketing process for Peculiar One Counseling. I do not recommend it as a primary marketing process because you are relying on others to sell your services. While my business has been successful, I recognized that I wasn’t reaching the populations that I desired to work with so hiring a branding company, following guidance, and becoming familiar with marketing principles. When possible, create short videos inviting clients into your business. I’ve learned that clients seek to “feel the vibe” of a person when they are choosing who to work with.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge with beginning the entrepreneurship journey was me. We are often our own distractions and blocks that prevent progress. I recall the desire to begin my podcast several years ago. I set up online accounts and allowed fear to be a hindrance. Once I decided that fear is a motivator versus a hindrance, I launched the podcast, completed books, and actively engage on social media.

What was your first business idea and what did you do with it?

My first business idea was to own a shopping plaza that provided a safe space for families to participate in fine dining, providing onsite childcare while the parents enjoyed a night out. In the first business idea, a holistic wellness center was also a part of the business plan.

What are you learning now? Why is that important?

What I’ve learned is to trust your gut and everyone that says “friend, sis, boo, etc.” are not going to be your biggest supporters. Don’t cater your business around those that are familiar with you but those that need to hear or experience your product. This message has been important because it lessens the impact of disappointment when people who are familiar with you don’t support you. You won’t stand in a posture of questioning your abilities, you won’t become consumed with the why question, and it encourages you to focus on what matters which is building your brand.

If you started your business again, what things would you do differently?

At this time, I would continue the path that has led to a successful business.

What’s a productivity tip you swear by?

No procrastination. Period. Don’t be afraid to try new things. If it doesn’t work try again. Plan your time and time your plan to enhance productivity. Remove unnecessary steps that do not lead to your end goal.

Can you recommend one book, one podcast, and one online course for entrepreneurs?

The book that I would recommend is The 2% Way by Myron Rolle, MD. This book challenges you to increase your actions 2% each day to achieve the goals that you desire for your life.

I would recommend a branding coach to enhance your business presence who has a defined plan for you to follow. I suggest Blue Diamond Brandz.

If you only had $1000 dollars to start a new business, knowing everything you know now, how would you spend it?

Knowing what I know now, I would use the $1000 to automate my process. Don’t be afraid to allow others that specialize in certain areas to provide guidance.

What helps you stay driven and motivated to keep going in your business?

What keeps me motivated is knowing what my passion and purpose is. I’ve learned that whether 1 or 10,000 support you, you still must decide to go forward. Every day I am intentional to use my gifts and passion the way I have been purposed.

What is your favorite quote?

You are your greatest asset

What valuable advice would you give new entrepreneurs starting out?

For new entrepreneurs or those questioning if they need to start that journey, I encourage you to understand that time doesn’t owe anyone, nor does it make any promises. All we have is now. If you are looking for the perfect time to begin, you’ll find yourself in a constant delay. Get out of your own way and press the go button. Identify a mentor that will provide guidance more than their desire to gain financial increase.

What is your definition of success?

My definition of success is identifying what is meant for your life. If we only consider success by physical and monetary value, we often miss the happiness that success can ward us. Success for me is being the master of my fate and choosing to believe in my life’s purpose.

How do you personally overcome fear?

I utilize fear as a stepping stone to reach for goals. I’ve adopted the mentality that fear can be a motivator versus a hindrance. We often have recognized fear as a negative perspective. When you can redirect your thoughts about fear you will embrace challenges from a different angle.

How can readers get in touch with you?

The audience can contact me via links on my website at for additional information regarding available services. They can follow my YouTube channel and all social media Authentically Peculiar with Marcia.


Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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