Taking the Leap with Nell Tice

Nell Tice
Photo Credit: Kelly Johnson Photography

Nell Tice is the co-founder, and CEO of enTICEing Media, LLC, which specializes in video editing, and her coaching business, Nell Tice. Nell recently left the comfort of her 9–5 job as COO of a coffee and tea company to go full-time with her business. She and her husband live in the Central Pennsylvania area and enjoy traveling whenever possible.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you started your company

I’ve always been a traveler since I can remember.  My husband and I started a travel vlog on YouTube in 2019.  Once I started editing the videos for our channel, I was hooked.  I learned a lot about the art of storytelling and how to get a message across to viewers.  During the pandemic, I bought a camera and figured I could learn to use it during our extra downtime.  Considering we all ended up having a LOT of extra time, we ended up starting our business, enTICEing Media so I could start focusing on editing videos for other businesses. 

At the end of 2021, I left my full-time job to go into full-time entrepreneurship.  During this process, I started to really enjoy helping other people through their struggles with balancing life and business.  This led me to start the coaching side of my business!

How have the pandemic and Lockdown affected you or your new business?

I think the pandemic changed everyone to some degree.  Mostly in the realm of self-care.  We all had a chance to really step back, take inventory of our lives and decide what is most important.  Whether that was getting away from a job that they didn’t enjoy (like me),  or figuring out how to get the most time available to spend with people they love.  The pandemic didn’t really affect our business as much as it affected why it started.

What were the top three mistakes you made starting your business, and what did you learn from them?

  • I thought I would be making money sooner than I did.  I learned that this is a much, much slower process than I ever thought it could be.  I also learned how to be patient.  In the industry I was in before, things happened quickly and people expected things to be done quickly.  I learned that this is not the way the real world works.  Rome was not built in a day.
  • I went in thinking referrals were going to be how I got the majority of my business.  This, I learned, may happen over time, but not at first.  People need to learn to trust you and they can’t do that if they don’t know you or at least get to see all sides of you.  You need to put yourself out there.
  • I would never be one to receive unsolicited advice.  This was a hard one to come to terms with.  I thought these types of things only happened to well-known public figures or celebrities.  That is not true at all.  I have received people’s thoughts and advice, without asking, and the ones that provide these morsels, typically don’t have the most positive things to say.  I realize that when you put yourself out there, these things will happen.  I signed up for this.  I learned that the hard way.

Tell us a little bit about your marketing process.  What has been the most successful form of marketing for you?

No one will be surprised.  Social Media.  By far.  That’s where you are able to be your authentic self, should you choose to be.  Being true to yourself and your core values will be your best marketing any day.  The best part is…it’s the cheapest marketing money can buy, besides word of mouth, which is another form I hope to utilize more of very soon!

What was your first business idea and what did you do with it?

Technically, the first business idea was the travel vlog on YouTube.  A friend told us about a few YouTubers he was watching at the time and recommended them to us.  Kara and Nate, Lost LeBlanc, The Nomadic Movement, channels like these.  We were hooked!  Since we had already developed this passion for travel and everyone kept asking us where we were headed next, it seemed like the natural progression.  There’s so much money to be made on YouTube, but getting to that threshold is tough.  We still create and post, but we aren’t quite there yet.  It’s definitely an idea that’s still on the table.

What are you learning now?  Why is that important?

I’m learning that things don’t always happen quickly.  I tend to have an instant gratification mindset when it comes to something I want or want to do.  If I call someone, I need to realize that people are busy and they might need to call me back later.  It’s just excitement.  It’s important to realize this because Rome was not built in a day, and neither is success.  Something that even just looks like overnight success really wasn’t.

What are the top 3 online tools and resources you’re currently using to grow your company?

  • Canva!  I’m truly not sure what we ever did in business without Canva.  I use it every single day.  It’s mind-blowing to know that there is such a powerful tool at our disposal.  From creating proposal templates to contracts and graphics, it’s amazing.
  • There is absolutely no excuse for not being able to connect these days.  Calendly makes this even easier.  All you have to do is send a link to someone and they can choose a time to connect with you that works for them and fits into your calendar.  Pure genius.
  • The Daily G Code is a website that holds you accountable each day.  You fill out a form and list what you’re thankful for, what you learned, and you can click the toggles to indicate whether or not you’ve stuck to your diet or worked out.  You earn points for each part you fill out.  It’s a great way to either start or end your day.

What’s a productivity tip you swear by?

Use a calendar and live by it.  If it’s not on the calendar, it doesn’t exist.  It helps with time management the most, which I find most helpful.  This was something I really had to train myself to do because I was used to just flying by the seat of my pants at a previous job.  It doesn’t sound like much, but the calendar has changed my life!

What helps you stay driven and motivated to keep going in your business?

Seeing people respond to how I’m helping them.  I typically post a joke every day to my Facebook page and title it DAD JOKE OF THE DAY.  I literally had a classmate of mine from 20 years ago comment to say that she sends my jokes to her dad every day because he really likes them.  This brought me to tears!  It’s moments like these that totally trump the days when you’re feeling so down in the dumps and just want to quit.  Believe me, we ALL have those days.

What valuable advice would you give new entrepreneurs starting out?

DO. NOT. GIVE. UP.  Also, have an amazing support system.  I’ve been there, trust me.  Some of my darkest moments have occurred during this process.  I’m not going to tell you it gets easier either.  When the money isn’t coming in, when people aren’t responding, when it all just seems like a little too much…this is when it counts.  Let your support system lift you up.  Remember that there’s enough success to go around for all of us.  Most people want to see you succeed.  I have an amazing coach I work with, and yes, even the coaches have coaches.  We are truly all in this together and only wish for increased success for everyone.  It sounds cliche, but when one of us wins, we all win.  The moments where you feel the joy and elation will far outweigh the dark times.

What is your definition of success?

My personal definition of success is freedom.  Freedom to create your own life, create your own content, create your own reality.  If we don’t have freedom, what else is left?  Money?  Of course, we need money to survive, but let me tell you, it certainly isn’t everything.  I left a C-Suite job to take on this entrepreneurship lifestyle so I could have the freedom.  Freedom is not a price I’m willing to pay.

How can readers get in touch with you?

I’m all over social media, Facebook, and Instagram.  I do have a Facebook page called enTICEing enthusiasts where I post motivational content and occasional offers to just group members!  I have a website under just my name, Nell Tice, as well.  This is where we can connect on coaching opportunities.  I also just love meeting new people!  Send me an email and let’s chat.  We are all connected in this world.


Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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