Shannon Procise – Business Connection Specialist

Shannon Gronich

Shannon Procise has successfully attained over $3.2M in FREE publicity and is notorious for being the owner of the “Million Dollar Rolodex” and teaching others how to do the same. She has trained and coached thousands of individuals in marketing, event production, business development, and personal growth. Shannon is the creator of a magnetic community – the Business Acceleration Network, where she guides businesses to build a successful enterprise while having fun and making lots of money. She brings together social entrepreneurs, visionaries, and new thought leaders that want to collaborate, create a better world, and focus on prosperity so that they can pay it forward to make a positive impact.

She appeared on television, radio, and in the press and she has co-authored the “Law of Business Attraction – The Secret of Cooperative Success,” an Amazon #1 best seller with T Harv Eker of the Millionaire Mind.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you ended up writing a book?

I have produced over 400 hundred events, and during that experience, I learned how to create a press release that stands out and attracts attendees from around the globe to fill the events. I also discovered the impact on my income and others when using an expert power bio to attract media, higher-paying clients, and get more leads saying YES.

What do you hope your readers take away from this book?

Readers will learn how to get their information (products or services) out there – and get their “desired” information out into the press. It teaches ordinary people how to communicate within their industry to become a highly regarded “Expert” in their field. Readers will learn the key to proper Press Release creation to stay out of the trash, creating “Promotional Buzz,” and writing an Expert Power Biography. They will learn the language of prosperity and get access to 100 power words that magnet when writing.  

What are the top three tools you are currently using to write, publish, and promote your books?

We have a landing page giving the book away for free as a PDF with an upgrade for the hard copy and e-learning course “21 Days to Media Magic”

I speak at live events with a powerful presentation that often inspires 50%+ of participants to purchase the book. 

We also host my community events and do a lot of social sharing.

What were the top mistakes you made writing/publishing your book?

I hired a book coach to guide me through the publishing process and someone to help with editing however, I wish I would have hired someone to do the entire process for me. I was on a tight deadline to get the book published for a big event and struggled with the formatting for days, and when I thought it was complete when uploading, it kept kicking back and took hours to fix. 

I realized there was no way to track individuals who purchased from Amazon or other book stores, so I would have created a  thank you for your purchase page within the book for amazon purchasers to access a gift with proof of receipt via email. 

When will you consider your book a success?

When it started impacting others by  life-changing products and services getting out to the world, when we sold over 5000 copies, that was a remarkable success. 

Can you share a snippet that is not in the blurb or excerpt?

This is from the chapter about being ready:

Now, we will look at another important way to become a magnet for free marketing – a press kit. With a press kit available, you will be ready for any Media Magic opportunities that come your way. A press kit for success should always include your Expert Power Bio, Press Releases, press clippings, photos, marketing collateral (brochures, etc.), order forms, and a price list.  

What advice do you have for new authors who want to write and publish their first book?

Hire a publisher or book coach if you have the resources. Surround yourself with authors to mentor you. Ask what worked, what didn’t work, and any book publishing suggestions (or questions like this form). The biggest thing is not to do it alone.  Get a significant name to do a book endorsement!!!

What is the one thing you wish you knew before publishing your first book?

The publisher’s format to make the book look more professional. I had dinner with a prominent influencer who has published multiple books and immediately criticized the formatting, stating it was easy to distinguish as a self-published book in front of several other influencers. 

Can you share some of the marketing techniques that have worked for you when promoting your book?

When speaking, I bring enough books for everyone to hold while teaching out of it. I get the audience to follow along through the book. I include an order form to be added to the back of the book. I do remind and let them know upfront they are available for purchase only, and please do not write in them.

If you had the chance to start your career over again what would you do differently?

I would have kept a better record and connections with people I have met from around the world. I have a fantastic Rolodex now, but it would be over the top if I had managed in a CRM system early on and kept in touch. I would have also published a book earlier and continue to write more books. 

What are three books or courses would you recommend to authors?

Happy to make connections with Keith or Drew 🙂

If you only had $1000 dollars to promote a new book, knowing everything you know now, how would you spend it?

Professional Sales Copywriter to review funnel then turn on some social media ads

What is your favorite quote?

One of the greatest pieces of economic wisdom is to know what you don’t know

– John Kenneth Gilbraith

Who should we interview next and why?

Keith Leon – my book mentor and publisher of my next book. He has so many tips and tricks for selling books it’s amazing!!  Happy to make an introduction

I have a number to author clients I am happy to introduce. 

How can we get in touch with you?

You can text, book time, or call…anything at You can purchase my book on Amazon.

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Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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