Spencer Fraseur: The Irrational Mind

Spencer Fraseur

Spencer Fraseur is an award-winning writer, researcher, and thought leader who has a passion for topics like business, psychology, leadership success, wealth generation, and economics. He graduated from Florida State University with an undergraduate degree in Sports Management and a minor in Communications before continuing his education by receiving an MBA. His most recent book. “The Irrational Mind” was the recent recipient of the 2020 Royal Dragonfly Award for best psychology book and has since been nominated for two other awards in similar categories.

Ultimately, Spencer loves incorporating difficult academic concepts and data into his writing by distilling them into plain and easy to digest language. Spencer currently lives in Dallas, TX with his wife Brittany studying Organizational Behavior in a PhD program through the University of Texas at Arlington.

What is the overall message you are trying to share with your readers?

At its core, “The Irrational Mind” is really a book about decision making and how choices we make can shape and reshape our lives. We all inherently believe that the choices we make in our business, investing, and personal lives are well thought out even if they aren’t always right but, as you will see in the book, this isn’t always the case. Every chapter describes incredible and sometimes hilarious true stories of how different types of cognitive bias affected decision-making of otherwise rational human beings. I dive deep into why we are prone to a particular bias in our decision making and how we can “fight back” against these seemingly hidden forces that continually shape our choices.

The book is meant to be funny and lighthearted, but also provide ample ideas to create a better business environment, investing strategy, and possibly improve your life through self-discovery of the biases in your life. I believe that following the concepts in the book can help anybody make better decisions no matter what the case may be. 

What were the top three mistakes you made writing / publishing your book what did you learn from it?

I don’t look at them as mistakes as much as learning experiences. There was a lot of throwing things at the wall to see what sticks early on in the marketing process that I believe is customary but leads to adjustment later on. 

I also learned a lot as I went through the publishing process that no amount of websites and articles can teach. Writing a book does not stop when the manuscript is finished. Being an author means marketing, formatting, graphic design, and everything else. I’m very blessed to be a creative person who is fairly computer savvy.

Beyond this, I am a perfectionist and I regret going through so many drafts and rewrites of the book. Writing is often a gift and a curse, and I find that sometimes you would have been just as happy with the 7th draft as you were with the 10th. Learning that a creative process is simply done but never truly finished is a lesson that is crucial to anyone who writes whether it is research or writing a book of your own.  

What advice do you have for new authors who want to write and publish their first book?

Do it! Don’t let fear or lack of time hold you back. I think there is always this inherent fear when you put something you created out into the world, but you cannot let it stop you. I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the love and support you receive. As for time, remember that anyone can dedicate 30 minutes to an hour a day to write. We waste that much time doing trivial things.

For people that say that their lives are too busy, I wrote my book during the middle of an accelerated MBA program while helping to plan my wedding and am currently working on a second book while in the middle of five other research projects for my PhD program. The truth is that you find time in life for the things that matter most to you.

What is the one thing you wished you knew before publishing your first book?

I’m not sure there is anyone thing but instead the amalgamation of knowledge that you gain from a publication that you wouldn’t necessarily have beforehand. Even after the first book and the success it has had with winning awards, award nominations, and great sales, I still find myself looking to experiment with my next book. I think you gain knowledge and insight that is too nuanced to understand before publishing that you can possibly use for whatever comes next, 

Can you share some of the marketing techniques that have worked for you when promoting your books?

I believe strongly in what is in this book and so I try to genuinely reach out to people who are struggling or looking for books about business or cognitive psychology. I take the time to connect with them and make a genuine connection because I know that the book has value in its own right. I’ve come across many books in self-help, business, investing genres that are glorified infomercials for seminars or other products and never really go anywhere in their subject matter.

“The Irrational Mind” is straight to the point, concise with its language, and tries to answer every question it asks without the need for any additional materials. This concept that I’m not selling anything but the book itself comes across as genuine because it is genuine. Most of my book revenue has come from meeting people and growing an organic connection with others via Facebook or email. 

What are three books or courses you recommend for Entrepreneurs & Authors?

The three books that really had a strong impact on me growing up were: 

Those three are a great place to start if you’re interested in nonfiction business/entrepreneurial type books. 

How can we get in touch with you?

Connect with me through Goodreads, follow me on Amazon, follow me on Twitter, or sign up for my email list at spencerfraseur.com
And please check out my book “The Irrational Mind” on Amazon below and if you decide to give it a read please consider leaving a review.

The book is available in paperback and Kindle formats and is also free if you are subscribed to Kindle Unlimited. I try to keep the prices way down because I want as many people to read it as possible so head over there and check it out. I hope you’ll find it well worth your time.

Spencer Fraseur Book: Amazon.comGoodRead

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Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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