Walter Wolf is the pen name of a 30-year veteran of the movie and television industry who produced studio and independent films and television throughout the United States, Australia, and South Africa. That all changed in 2010 with one 3 A.M. call that a family member was in crisis due to addiction. Wolf had no idea what to do, but a friend in recovery guided him and within 24-hours, Wolf’s loved one was at one of the top rehabs in the nation.
Seven years ago, Wolf left the movie business to work with families throughout the nation with loved ones hit by addiction and/or mental disorders, to help them match the right rehab with the right individual. Knowing there still was not a “how-to” playbook for families searching for the right treatment at the right facility, Wolf wrote The Right Rehab.
Tell us a little bit about your background and how you ended up writing a book?
Being in the movie and television business for over 30 years, there are essentially two types of producers: the “creative” producer who creates or develops projects and the “line” producer who creates the schedule, budget, hires the crew, the one responsible for the actual making of the movie or tv program. I was fortunate enough to have been both types of producers. Two things each has in common with the other are attention to detail and communicating the concept in a simple, interesting, entertaining manner. That’s how I approached writing The Right Rehab ― collapse a complicated, frequently misunderstood process to an audience most likely in crisis and not in the mood to read a book.
When my family was in crisis due to addiction, I needed this book. Years later, as an interventionist and expert in matching individuals with the right treatment program for them, that book still did not exist. So, I wrote it myself. The response has been overwhelmingly positive.
What do you hope your readers take away from this book?
Whether you live on Park Avenue or skid row, there is a treatment plan for you. The Right Rehab details how you can pursue that plan whether you have resources or not.
What are the top three tools you currently use to write, publish, and promote your books?
In the following order, an outline, a literary agent & publisher, a dedicated team executing marketing, advertising, and publicity, plus web design & maintenance.
What were the top three mistakes you made publishing your book and what did you learn from them?
As of this writing, my book was released just five days ago. I’m sure I’ve made mistakes, there just has not been enough time to know what they are yet.
When will you consider your book a success?
I consider it a success already. The response from treatment professionals has been overwhelmingly positive. When I hear them exclaim “This is the book we have needed for so long,” it is humbling.
Can you share a snippet that isn’t in the blurb or excerpt?
First, addiction is a family disease. Although one person is addicted, it affects the entire family.
How have the pandemic and Lockdown affected you or your new business?
The calls I’ve received have at least doubled these past 18 months. The number of them regarding adolescents has been the most alarming and accurately reflects a recent finding according to JAMA Pediatrics (Journal of the American Medical Association),
on August 9, 2021, “The prevalence of depression and anxiety symptoms during COVID-19 has doubled, compared with pre-pandemic estimates…”
What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?
Dealing with the disparity between families with resources (cash and/or insurance) and those with little to none, especially for those residing in states that did not expand Medicaid. For the life of me, I cannot understand the logic of denying urgent medical and behavioral health care to those unfortunate enough to live in one of the 12 states that will not expand Medicaid due to purely political and ideological reasons. It is cruel. It is stupefyingly senseless. It is unamerican. For my part in this inane battle between those who want a healthy America and those who can’t overlook their selfish, profoundly ignorant, and hypocritical political interests, I wrote this book. It is my hope that more citizens will join the fight for a physically and mentally healthy America. Only a healthy America can be an economically strong America.
What is the one thing you wish you knew before publishing your book?
I wish I knew more about the process of publishing a book and why it takes so long. It’s not until you’re in the middle of it that you realize why it mirrors the making and promotion of a movie. Just like a movie, there is pre-production, production, and post-production process that takes anywhere from nine months to a year.
Can you share some of the marketing techniques that have worked for you when promoting your book?
My advice is to use as many resources as you can muster to hire professionals who do just that. In my case, I am fortunate to have a digital marketing & advertising company and an experienced, highly reputable publicist. They know the markets for this book, as well as how to reach them certainly much better than me. My credo has always been, “When you need a professional job, hire a professional.”
If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
I wish I had trusted myself more and had more confidence in my initial instincts when I was younger and relatively inexperienced in the movie business. Years ago, there were two distinct projects I had created, but due to my lack of experience and adequate confidence in bringing them to reality, I did not follow through — only to see someone else successfully create and produce them shortly thereafter. Good on them, they made it happen for themselves.
What’s a productivity tip you swear by?
It’s not work if you love what you do. If you aren’t passionate about what you’re doing, you’re doing the wrong thing.
What helps you stay driven and motivated to finish writing your book?
I love what I do and having the opportunity to show families what they can do when addiction and/or mental illness hits their family was a huge factor in getting the book done as soon as possible.
Can you recommend one book, one podcast, and one online course for entrepreneurs and authors?
It is required reading for anyone who wishes to be a writer — Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” Campbell traces through several civilizations the universal theme of the hero myth, especially the reluctant hero ― Luke Skywalker or Moses anyone? Read it and be amazed how this universal myth links several civilizations through one common character-type.
What are you learning now? Why is that important?
Like my experience in the movie business, I am learning that if you want people to read your book, they first have to know that it exists. Then they should read testimonials or reviews from people with recognizable names and/or authorities on the subject matter — if it is non-fiction. If the work is fiction, get whatever reviews you are able to get from the local handout to your city’s newspaper.
If you only had $1000 dollars to promote a new book, knowing everything you know now, how would you spend it?
Strategically placed ads on Facebook.
What’s your best piece of advice for aspiring and new authors?
If your work is non-fiction, you must know your subject matter as if you are an authority on the subject, therefore, research, research, research. Do not rush this all-important period in knowing your subject. Research as if you plan to know more about this subject than anyone else on the planet and recite metrics and studies to prove it. For fiction writers, I suggest reading the authors you most admire ― not to copy them, but to be inspired by their style and especially character descriptions.
What is your favorite quote?
“The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.”
—Mahatma Gandhi
Who should we interview next and why?
Debra Jay, author of “It Takes a Family: Creating Lasting Sobriety, Togetherness, and Happiness.” Ms. Jay is the authority on how families need to go into recovery, as well as their family member who is stricken with addiction.
What is your definition of success?
Success is what makes you happy, not by someone else’s standards, but your own.
How do you personally overcome fear?
Like addiction, you don’t overcome fear; you learn to control it and not let it control you.
How can readers get in touch with you?
All are welcome to contact me at
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