Interview with Shruti Sood, Founder of Morning Lazziness

Shruti Sood
Photo credit: Shruti Sood

Shruti is an avid reader and digital marketer. She is the founder of Morning Lazziness, an online magazine that covers almost everything which people prefer to love. She loves to read, write and share her views on Health, Wellness, Science, and general well-being.

What is Morning Lazziness all about?

Calling it a business will not define Morning Lazziness completely. It’s more than that – Morning Lazziness is born out to add some value in every individual’s life through the most effective way, i.e. through the content.

In today’s digital world, content has become the new consumers’ good. The reason that some succeed and some fail is the content they consume. To be effective, content has to be more than just good: it must be compelling, fulfilling, convenient and efficient.

I am Shruti, founder of Morning Lazziness. I believe good content needs the above mentioned four characteristics, to make individuals more effective & productive in their life.

Through Morning Lazziness, we offer quick guides to individuals, groups & entrepreneurs to ensure that they consume the right content daily. Started as an Instagram channel, to promote self-awareness, awakening people to stay productive throughout the day, motivating them by publishing random positive affirmation quotes, Morning Lazziness has now all grown to a well-established daily guide.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you started your company?

I always wanted to contribute something to society. In this digital era, I am blessed enough to start something of my own.

Hailing from a computer science background, I never thought of starting my blogging journey. But after college, I joined a digital marketing company as a content writer, and the rest is history.

In my first job, I got introduced to the digital world, which gives me access to pursue my dream. If you can think well, write well, the online world provides you a huge opportunity to be a digital entrepreneur.

I learned WordPress, Digital Marketing, various tools such as Moz, SEMRush, etc. to start my journey as a professional blogger. The fascinating part of blogging is, the deeper you go, the more interesting it becomes.

With time, writing has become my passion and now I am a published author on many other popular websites such as Thiveglobal, Yourstory, Buzzfeed, Yourtango.

What would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur, and why?

It requires a lot of skills to be successful as an entrepreneur. But you have asked for three, so let me talk about the three most important skills here. The three critical skills required to be successful as an entrepreneur are patience, persistence & perseverance. Critical – as in absolutely necessary.

Patience – the skill of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, etc. is the most essential skill you need to succeed as an entrepreneur.

Persistence – This skill provides you the ability to stick with something. If you practice the violin for over a year to play “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” perfectly, that’s persistence! Persistence can also mean something that lasts for a very long time. You need to be persistent to get perfection in various entrepreneurial activities such as team building, decision making, revenue generation, growth hacks, etc.

Perseverance – This skill offers you the continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition. To achieve success, you have to climb the ladder of failures. Perseverance will help you to climb that ladder.

Apart from these core skills, a lot of technical skills may be required which can vary depending on the nature of the venture.

What are your plans for the future, how do you plan to grow this company?

Well, we are already touching lives through our content, we are planning to launch new verticals to reach more people. A gift subscription and digital subscription to Morning Lazziness are rolling out soon.

How have the pandemic and Lockdown affected you or your new business?

Well, every business has ups and downs; it depends on the nature of the business & mode of operation. As I discussed earlier, Pandemic brings more opportunities for digital entrepreneurs. There was a lockdown everywhere, so the usage of digital platforms got a boost. I would be thankful for having skills in the digital marketing sector. In the coming days also, people will use digital platforms more and more.

What were the top three mistakes you made starting your business, and what did you learn from them?

I’ve made a lot of mistakes, and I think all entrepreneurs do. But I’ve learned so much from them.

At the start of the business, I thought of making websites for every different category. For example, for entrepreneurs there should be a different site, for relationships, there must be a new site, and so on, but then I decided instead of giving my time to multiple projects, why not to give one.  What I recommend is not to juggle your mind at multiple places, instead focus on one thing and keep that going. These days, what entrepreneurs want is to keep their hands in every field, but what I prefer is to put all their focus and efforts in one place and grow in it.

Another mistake I made was, I started being active on social media very late. Maybe it was a few months back only when I thought to give my time to social media. And, I guess it’s the biggest mistake. Because whenever you start any business you may need to make your presence on social media. It’s a digital era, where socializing and engaging with people is very important for every kind of business.

My third, and last mistake, which I even regret today, why I delayed hiring a strong team for my business. The time you start your business, hire a great team, from that day, only.

Every entrepreneur can recover from their mistakes. It’s just they are willing to accept and learn from their mistakes.

Tell us a little bit about your marketing process, what has been the most successful form of marketing for you?

For me, social media is the best way to engage with people. Join groups on Facebook, tweet more, post fresh pins on Pinterest, and build your community on Instagram. This will give you good results.

But remember not to forget organic traffic from Google through SEO & email marketing to send valuable newsletters to your loyal subscribers.

What are you learning now? Why is that important?

Being a business person it’s really important to learn something new every day. I start my day by writing the daily tasks in my journal, perform yoga daily to keep me productive, and follow a healthy breakfast.

Apart from learning how to adopt a productive lifestyle in my busy schedule as an entrepreneur, I am learning about creating a strong professional network with like-minded individuals. A strong network is a key to your professional success – create it, nurture it and achieve more together.

What are the top 3 online tools and resources you’re currently using to grow your company?

Being a digital content creator, I relied on the following tools:

  • Grammarly – improve your writing, detect plagiarism, Make Your Writing Clear and Engaging.
  • Semrush – best website analytics tool, suggest Keywords, scan the website, show organic traffic.
  • Ahref – Keyword research, competitive overview, traffic analysis.
  • Social Media – The best way to get connected with your target readers and writers.

These are some of the best tools when it comes to creating effective content.

What helps you stay driven and motivated to keep going in your business?

Well, I used to believe that every CEO or entrepreneur is all millionaires earning 6-7 figures. But today I’m a CEO, and I understand it’s a throne of thorns.

Daily hurdles and obstacles sometimes make me quit. But like a four-pillared vehicle or house, if you have built your goals on multiple pillars, your goals will not fall apart if lost one of the motivations. My goals are standing on multiple pillars, that is the one which keeps me going is the thought of why I started this, my passion for writing, my passion to add value to other’s life, my passion to empower others life & lastly thought of being an inspiring leader for the next generation.

What is your favorite quote?

“Success doesn’t come overnight; one needs to work harder, to fulfill their dreams and goals.”

This quote, the wording keeps me going.

Can you recommend one book, one podcast, and one online course for entrepreneurs?

These books are worth reading.

How can readers get in touch with you?

It’s a pleasure to get in touch with you all. Visit Morning Lazziness or reach me at for a long-term, fruitful & productive association. I am waiting to start a wonderful conversation with you all. Cheers!

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Opinions expressed by interviewee participants are their own. 

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